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Show ' ' - '1 . ewrt 3.». . c ".7."- away, and feize their Lands. But I forbear :--For my Defign is not to roufe the Indignation of my Countrymen to go to War with you,»‘but to throw you entirely 03': Which perhaps may prove the greater Punilhment of the two. ‘,) , i) joy the fame Benefits, the fame Proteftion, the ful to the Power that protefts her; therefore you fame Polls of Honour, Profit, and Advantages think it an Obj eé‘t worthy of your pious Endeavour to feduce her from her Allegiance-In order thereunto, after you had painted the Popilh Religion in the blackell; Colours in your it is no new Thing. Every Colony has done the INHl‘IWIHNIIIE£ il- .4, 5‘4, For in Fact, you fiill expect to be regarded and ‘..A .‘S‘f $g<lvvi as if you had always been obedient Subjects. ‘ £574?" fiwkunflti 1" And in a few Years, we lhall have fpeét you are not lingular, you are only on a Fat with others. But you are the only People that ever yet exil'tcd, who, after having difclaimed all .Subjeé‘tion to the Parent-State, f'till expeft to en- IN regard to your letting up for Independence, like, as foon as it was able: So that in that Re- 1 have done. the fame Scenes of Malevolence and Ingratitude‘ difplayed there, which you are pleafed to exhi» bit in your Provinces.---Perhaps indeed the Caaadz'am will not expe€t (as you do) to be carefied‘ and protected by us at that very Inllant, when they are fpurning at ourAuthority, and renouncing our jurifdié‘tion. For this feems to be a fonduét and Behaviour peculiar to yourfelves. HOWEVER, as Canada is for the prefent, faith- IINFHHIMHWHHIHiIF }» general Allociation. You needed not to have given yourlelves all that Trouble. Canada whenit has grown rich by our Means, and our Capitals will alluredly let up for Independence, as you treated as Eagli/lzazea in every Cafe, where any Benefit is to be derived from that Character 2-- But as to thofe Burdens, which Eagtz'flzmm mull bear in order to {rapport that Charafter ,--In relpeét to thefe ‘things you beg to be exculcdf 'You will do as you pleafe. This is fuch a curiOUS Addrefs to the Inhabitants of Great Britain, callw ing it faagaz'aary and. impiaas, and declaring it unworthy to enjoy its own Property voluntarily given for its own Support by the Proprietors of‘ Lands, who had the only Right to give, and who Were all of the Roman-Catholic Perfuafion ;--- Phcenomenon in Politics, Law, and Commerce; that our old World was never able to prOdUCC it. Almeria; alone has that exclufive Honour. file!" this, I fay, you fuddenly change your BUT of the Province of Qazeaec you are pleafed to aoanlhnfint them in the following fulfome NW3» and in your Addrefs to the Inhabitants" Strain. 4 ‘ ‘ A nd then how you drive the miferable Survivors cncreafe your Numbers, you wilh to draw the large and extenfiveProvince of Canada, into your MAI) gines of Death, RUM, and the 'SMAiLL-POX‘: DEDICATORY. vii' BUT in- order to ftrengthen your Caufe, and rim" vi E P I S T L E. when you condefcend to the Formality and Farce of making a Purchafe from them :---Alfo how you contrive. to thin the Numbers of‘thefe unhappy Tribes by Means of your grand En- |