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Show 'llmlllllllll .And you will have no other Choice, but either Charter granted folely by the Kin", muflv every in the very Nature of Things, be fubordinate to rrel P er:P etuall Y» ---or to it P arate P ence, :Zlyflua liament.] BUT, 2dly. we will fuppofe for Argument's ‘Sake, and becaufe fuch a Scheme has been derived from Charters, are quoted only by the 'publickly recommended,---we will fuppofe, I by, as a Kind of fupernumerary Proof, and as a Sort of analogical Reafoning, fit only for thofe, whofe weak Minds cannot digel‘t Arguments of fay, that fome Well-wiiher to .both Countries, a fuperior Strength and @ality. HENCE therefore it is plain and evident, that there can he no Grounds for a Compromiie of Differences between thefe two contending Parties, for they hold nothing in common to {land upon: So that either Side muft maintain the whole of its Claim, or wholly recede from it. " You are either Subjects, or not Subjects, fays " the Eng/iflzman to the American; for there is " no Medium between Dependence and Inde"‘ pendence."--1Ve are not fnojerfi' to the Eng‘ ' lifh Government in any Réjfpffl, againfl our own free Choice, and voluntary Confem‘, faYS the \' But thefe Claims pretended to be of a better Heart, than Head, {hould propofe a Plan of Reconciliation after the following Manner. "‘ LET Great-Britain allow the Colonies the " fo‘le Right of taxing themfelves: And on the " other Hand, let the Colonies allow to Create ‘" Britain the exclufive Right of regulating "‘ their external Commerce: And then the an- " tient Harmony between them will be refiored, " and all will be Peace again." THESE Words, it mufi be owned, look fair, as far as they go: But they are fallacious even at firi't fetting ont. For there is a palpable Deception in the very Terms here made ufe of, allow t/ze Rig/ti; which Fallacy is eafily difcovered by American : And you are Ufurper; in every fif- fubflituting other Words in their Stead. tenzpt you make to deprive us of this innate, W11" EXample, Let Great-Britain renounce the Right rent, and unalienaoie Liberty:---Theref0r€, {ays Of taxing the A'meritant without their own Con‘fent: And then the Americans will,---whatr" the impartial Bye-Stander, if there be no Medium between Dependence and IndCPCn‘ dence, between Ufurpation, and a lawful Authorit)', For ,Renonme the Right of regulating their own F Commerce P \er the fupreme Legillature both of King and Par- ' "yivy V {UCh Supporters "Wit fall 0f Courfe; becaufc v . ; d ' w.- ‘: 35‘"! Mn rthority, it neceITarily follows, that your Di-fl'erences can never be reconciled, or adjufied.---- V -. .7: 41 ile‘l‘lé‘itlfe'sk"? PLEAS ,AND ARGUMENTS. a V" ‘1'?- PLEAS AND ARGUMENTS. they are not infified upon AS THE MAIN Pumas of the flmeriran Caufe, [Indeed, if they were, . J _ ,Wa 40 |