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Show impolitic rel'training Laws againl‘t ourlelves, and Favour, which they,‘ and their Adherehts have long had in Contemplation. ilkw-theilmiiotts for granting them lb many Monopolies, and ‘ {nth extenfive Bounties. THE next Head of Enquiry is, what mxnizlc Onjefi: do we receive from Nortlz-flmerz'tn, if every Rel'peét, to a very great Degree; BUT l forget : " Pitch and Tar, and Indigo cbmpared with the Taxables of other Conn" tries P Mr. BURKE allerts Page 97, 2d Edit; " That if [interim gives LlS taxzzéfc OZ/jetz'r, on " are allo Raw NIaterials of very great Conle- " which we lay our Duties here, and gives us at " quence : And they are imported iron] Nonli" flmeriaz, but not from R11 7122." True: Pitch dred 'I'houllinds of Pounds Sterling, Wthh " the fame Time, a Surplus by a foreign Sale "of her Commodities to pay the DUZlCS on " theft: Objefts which we tax at Home, flw has " performed Izer Part to £718 Britilh Revenue." WELL then, according to this Doctrine, we are firlt to fuppol‘e, that Nari/z~/Imerz'm liipplies us With great Qiantities of taxable Objeéts ;-~ Great Britain has granted in Bounties and Pres and fecondly that by lo doing, {he hath perform- miums to promote the Culture of this Article in the Carolina: and Virginia, [a tenth Part of which Sum would have fined for the Cultiva- ed her Part to the Brit/fl; Revenue; and there- - and Tar, if imported from Raj/Ya, would have paid an high Duty; but when brought from 1172257760., they receive a very large Bounty. And [as to Indigo, had it not been for the manV Hun- fore ought not to be obliged to contribute any fay, had it not been for this continual hollering, further. Now I am f0 unhappy as to dili‘er from the patriotic Orator in both theft: rel‘peé‘ts ; that isi I tirl't deny his Premifes;~and then and expenlive Nurling, probably not an Ounce zdly, granting even his Premil'es, I cannot ad- of it would have been railed in JVcrl/z A'memfl- mit of his Conclulion. Firll, then I do main- tain, that Arortfiuliirc 3m doth not {upply 0217:!Brz'tnm with great Quantities of taxable Ob- tion of a better Sort on the Coalt of flfrz‘m] I :find even as it is, the Indigo of Cara/ind, &c. is, generally fpeaking, of a Qitility much infenor to that, which comes from other Countries. "So much therefore as to Rawd‘x/l'ateri‘alsx'r-fa nd let this fuflice in refpeét to the grateful-Returns of jeéts: For perhaps hardly any civilized Country in the World, of eq ial Extent, and under the fame Parallels e1" Latitude, is to barren in H that ‘91s»; ., of our Colonies towards us, for making to many Day enerealing, exceed [hole from North-flint. rim in Goodnel‘s, in Qiantity, in Value; and'in "HI-"Tl'lulll‘t la e is not fufficient to create-that Monopoly-‘ln'tltejr of Raw Materials from Rial/in," which are‘every It'll-WIHIII'II l'illf' rnzLANDEDINTEFESR any Share in our Burdens. ' However; all this .Uw .-,‘ v, AIHDRESS Ann'APBEAismo .Vv‘ 55 |