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Show [ 193 :l [ I99 1 lat": open their Eyes in this Refpet‘lt, and allow a cheaper Rate at any other European Mariiet. Now, let any one call his Eye over the Bills of duce as would not be l‘aleable to Advantage it no: lo, how is it conceivable, that fo little 3. rally doth in England. But as this is only one Article, out of many, it Ihould be further con- in other Parts of Europa : So that there is no great Caule to fear, that we lhould (mater/212]}: lofe the Trade even of this Article, were the Colonies to be dilmembered from us. Not to mention that all the Coafis of the fifedz‘zermzmn and the South of Europe are already tuppiied with Rice from the Colmies, in the lame Manner as if there had been an actual Separation; ~--no Rice-Ship bound to any Place Sonth of Cape--I3‘z'szr'J-‘rcrs being at all obliged to touch at. any Port of Great-Britain. So much, theieIor‘f, as to the fiapie Exports of the Colonies. LET us now confider their [mporth Spot as this Illand could have made fuch a Figure either in Peace or War, as it hath lately done 5" How is it poflible, that after having con- tracted a Debt of nearly One Hundred and Forty Millions, we lhould neverthelefs be able to make more rapid Progrelles in all Sorts of Improvements, ufefiil and ornamental, public and private, agricolic and commercial, than any other nation ever did P-~Fa€t it is, that thefe Improvements have been made of late Years, and are daily making: And Facts are fiubbom- Things. And k here one Thing is very clear and certain, That whatever Goods, Merchandize, or Manufaftures, the l\-‘lerchants of Great-Britain can fell to the relt of Europe, they might fell the fame to the Colonies, if wanted: Becaufe it is evident, that, the Colonies could not purchafe fuch Goods at. 3* I am credibly informed, that it appears by Extracts from the Cufiom-houfe Books, that more EngZ/fi Goods are fem up the two Rivers of Germany, the W'efr and the Ellie, than "P any two Rivers in Nart/J-flmerim. Yet the Nari/Jflfifffimm and their Partifans are continually upbraiding us, aS'lf we enjoyed no Trade, worth mentioning, except thaf With the Colonies. a BUT, ,v fidered, that even the Ships which import Rice into Eng/rind, generally bring loch other Pro- that excepting Gold and Silver Lace, Wines and Brandies, fome Sorts of Silks and Linens, and perhaps a little Paper and Gun-powder; I fay, excepting thefe few Articles, GreatBritain is become a Kind of a 9* general Mart for mfl other Commodities: And indeed were the Her/thug]; or Dart/z Markets than it gene- a Exports from London, Briflal, Liverpool, Hell, Glafgaw, 85c. 65c. and then he will ibon difcover Vilma i 9' 'CB. . Zyi‘ifiltu} the Cultivation of it. Tobacco therefore being likely to be foon out of the Qieftion, the only remaining Article is Rice: And this, it molt be acknowledged, would beat a better Price at |