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Show [ i6 ] l 17 l Upon Principles fubverfive of Religion and [IiITiQ'S or is now in other brates and Kingdoms, Virtue, and detrimental to the great Ends of Government, cannot be the juit and proper Commercial Syf'tem: It muf't be a Deception; and if it doth not, it cannOt circulate the Labour There are M: n may alarm tlieirilelVes w.th and Induitry of Mankind as much as it ought to do; it is not f0 lafiing, or fo extenfive in its Confequences, as it might have been; and tho' Individuals may be Gainers by it, yet, upon the whole, it will be found to be as much repugnant U'M‘Ju.‘ v, 13:1"er {may 9&- avian it is more in than ever it was in former what Bears they pleale -, and very often the more imaginary the": Hears are, the more fure of fpreading: But one Thing is certain, That the greateii Danger is generally the le aft attended to, Imean that of abufing the great Bleliings we enjoy, the Danger of neglecting our own Sal- vation, and not improving by thofe Means which are put in our Power; the Danger of caVi‘iiing at, and by that means lapping the Fundamentals right Employment of their Time, and to na‘ of aGovermirent, which we ought to value, and tional Wealth, Plenty, and Prolperity, as it is the Danger of injuring that Commerce by our Eximwgtmce and bad Conduct, of which none ' to the trading Interel'ts of Mankind, to the vu ,-.V willy!" THAT Syf'tem of Commerce, which is buil repugnant to Religion, and Civil Government. 2. HENCE we may learn to fufpeét the Truthof thofe popular Cries and Clamours relating to Religion, Government, or Commerce, with which the Artful and Defigning too fuccefsfully impofe upon the Weaknefs and Credulity of Mankind. Sometimes the Church is laid to be in Danger,---fometimes the State,---and fometimes our Commerce: And yet, certain it is, that neither the one nor the other can be in Dan‘- ger, whilf't the main Principles and Foundations of all the three remain entire and untouched; and while each is made to co-0perate in {upporting and promoting the other. This, God be praifed, is greatly our Cafe- at prefent: I mean elfe can oeprive us. 3dly. Hence alfo we may fee the Reafons in a very {triking Light, why the Scriptutes are To full and peremptory in laying down Rifles of Government, and Maxims of Commerce. For if thefe two are only Branches of the general Plan of Providence, then it follows, that the Syltem of Religion itfelf would not have been COmplete, were they left out. In fhort, Government and Commerce are no other than the Underparts and Supporters of true Religion. Thus therefore the Rules of Government are incul~ cared under the firongefl; Enforcements, both on the Part of the Governors, and the Governed : ;:-The GoVernors are required to be Men who 3Q fear |