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Show I S T L E Circumftance this, which is not to be found in any other Part of Europe, but in England, Moreover, they manufaéture a great deal of good, firong Linens; which, during the late \‘V at, were fent down the Rhine to Rotterdam, and from Rotterdam to the Engli 1 Colonies in America. How this contraband Trade came to be carried on, To much to our Detriment, during a Time, when we were bleeding at every Vein for your Sakes, you befi can explain. But waving all that.--Why did you mention thele People, whole Cafe in every Refpeét makes f0 {trongly againlt you ? and what M0tives could you- have for quoting fuch Examples, where the Liberty is f0 mu. h abufed in the Pepi/h Cantons, and where it is not fufficiently enjoyed in the greatel't of the Pratefianr ones E---For my Part, I can account for your Conduct only on one Principle : And Time mufi lhew, whether my Conjectures are rightly founded, You certainly intend to let up yourfelves to be the relpeé‘tive Heads of thefe Republics ;---or ratheryou wilh to continue in the Pofizs you now enjoy, and to fortify yourfelves in them more and more. There» DEDICATORY. xiii Examples, no Matter whether true or falfe, parallel in Circumfiances, or not ;---to be ready with them I fay, to cite, as Occafion {hall Oliver. You know likewife, that during the Height of the Phrenfy, the People never realon, but believe implicitly in their Leaders. Therefore, if you can make the good flmerz'rmzr believe, that in the Republics of Switzerland, efpecially the Protef'tant ones, the People enjoy a mofi perfeét Syftem of Liberty ;-- and confequently that fuch Republics ought to be propofed as Models for them to Copy after ;--then you think, the Work is done. And indeed if thefe flaort-fighted Mortals {hall truf't you with as much Power, as is neceflary for el'tablifhing fuch Republics in America, you have little more to do than to laugh at their Credulity :--A Circumltance this l which is not uncommon with patriotic Pra- fefim, and popuiar Craters both on your Side of the Atlantic, and on. ours. BUT fiill, you have a farther Ufe to make of the Swift Cantons. You fay, " They live in " the utmoft-Peace and Concord one with ano- " ther: And are thereby enabledever fince they fore you know, that a Time is coming, when " vindicated their Freedom, to defy and tie.eat you molt endeavour to extinguilh that fierce " every Tyrant that has invaded them." Now Flame, which you are now railing ;--when you it is not ltriétly true, that they live in the utmofl; mull: me every Artifice, and {train every NCFVC of Power to fubdue, per fa: an; "afar, that VCW Spirit, which you are now exciting even to Mad- Concord and Peace one with another. For they are aimed all jealous of the growing Power and Riches of the Canton ofBem; and thefe Jea- net's. A difficult Matter this! and you Will find it f0. However, I will allow, that one Way loulies have fometimes broke out into a kind of to obtain this End, is to be ready with popular Civil gyvzgvv.~.~jt'g;-g P "'3' nun m E b Imam («tr-r :. xii |