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Show Mama "‘ ""1; " [ 66 1 t 67 l ing thefe People as Objects worthy of Imitation, will look upon them with a juf't Abhorrence and indignation; and every wife State, con- of found Politics ever bear a Separation from thofe of true and genuine Morality. Not to mention, that the Viétors themfelves will ex~ fulting the Good of the Whole, will take Warn, perience it to their Colts fooner or later, that in ing by their fatal Example, and flifie, as much, two hundred Years lal‘t pail, by the Confelfion vanquilhing others, they are Only preparing a more magnificent Tomb for their own Interrment. IN very deed, the good Providence of God hath, as it were, taken peculiar Pains to pre:clude Mankind from having any plaufible Pre~ tence for purfuing either this or any other Scheme of Depopulation. And the Traces of of all Parties, have really ended in the Advan-i fuch preventing Endeavours, if 1 may fo fpeak, tage of none, but to the manifef't Detriment of all: Suffice it farther to remark, that had are perfeétly legible both in the natural, and in the moral Worlds. each of the contending Powers employed their Subjeé‘ts in cultivating and improving fuch Lands IN the natural World, our bountiful Creator as pofiible, the very Beginnings of fuch a Re- mcm Spirit in its SubjecTs. I THE Cafe of the antient Romans having thus been confidered at large, lefs may be requifite as to what is to follow. And therefore fufiice it to obferve, that the Wars of Europe for thefe as were clear of all difputed Titles, infiead of aiming at more extended Poii'efiions, they had confulted both their own, and their People's Greatnefs much more efficacioufly, than by all hath formed different Soils, and appointed dif: ferent Climates; whereby the Inhabitants of different Countries may fupply each other with their refpeétive Fruits and Products -, fo that by exciting a reciprocal Indul'try, they may carry the Victories of a Cit/gr, or an Alexander. UPON the Whole, therefore, it is evident to on an Intercourfe mutually beneficial, and uni~ aDemoni‘tration, that nothing can refult from NAY more, even where there is no remarka~ verfally benevolent. fuch Syfiems as thefe, however fpecious and ble Difference of Soil, or of Climates, we find. plaulible in Appearance, but Difappointment, agreat Difference of Talents; and, if I may Want, and Beggary. be allowed the Expreflion, a wonderful Variety For the great Laws of Providence, and the Courfe of Nature, are not to be reverfed or counter-acted by the feeble Efforts of wayward Man; nor will the Rules of of Strata in the human Mind. Thus, for Ex« ample, the Alteration of Latitude between Norwich and aManchcyier, and the Variation of I 05-. Soil |