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Show 8o ] lofophic Dr. FRANKLIN adopts the fame ideas in regard to the prefent Contei't between Alert/iflmerica and Great-Britain. He fuppofes, agree- ably to the Newtonian Philofophy, that there is a mutual Attraction and Gravrtation between thefe two Countries; but neverthelefs, that the Powers of Gravitation and Attraction being fo much fironger 1n the val't Continent of Nari/z- flmerica, than in the little Spot of Great~Britain, it therefore follows, that the former will fwaln low up, or abforb the latter, and not vice wrfa. The prefent afionifliingEmigrations from Greaifi Britain and Ireland feem to confirm the Hy: t 8: 3 Thing elfe that will elate or deprefsthe Minds of the undifcerning Multitude, ferves the Purpofe of the Bear or the Bull to fink or raife the Price of Stocks, according as he wilhes either to buy or fell. And by thefe vile Means the Wretch, who perhaps the other Day came up to Laiidaii in the W'aggon to be an Under-Clerk or a Meifage Boy in a Warehoufe, acquires fuel), a Fortune as fets him on a Par with the greateft Nobles of the Land. . 4.. THE News-writers ate a fourth Species of political Firebrand: A Species which abound in this Country more pothefis of this eminent Philofopher but too Vu "?for‘ ‘5"!‘5'5 i Hy." Illllllllllll' than in any other; for as Men are in this Kingdom allowed greater Liberty to fay, .or write what they pleafe; well: And it were greatly to be wifhed, that the magical Spell, which is to chain this our Ifland to thofe immenfe Regions, were dilfolved, 'e're it be too late] 3. NEAR a-kin to this Man, is that other Monfier of modern Times, who is perpetually declaiming againf't a Peace, viz. the Broker, and to a higher Pitch. In fact thefe EeoPIe may be truly faid to trade iiz Blood: For a War is their Harveft; and a Gazette Extraordinary produces .a CrOp of an hundred Fold : How then can it the Gambler of Change-alley. be fuppofed, that they can ever become the Letters from the Hague, wrote in a Garret at Home for Half a Guinea ;---the firft News of a Battle fought (it matters not how improbable) with a Lift 0f the Slain and Prifoners, their Cannon, Colours,- fo likewife is the Abufe of that Bleffing carried. Friends of Peace? And how can you expect that any Minil‘ters can be their Favourites, but the Minilters of War 3 Yet thefe are the Men Great Firings heard at Sea between Squa- who may be truly faid to govern the Minds of the good People of Eng/and, and to turn their drons not yet out of Port -,----a Town taken be» fore the Enemy was near it -,---an intercepted render any Scheme unpopular which they diflike, Letter that never was wrote -,-~-or, in fliort, any and whole Approbation, or Difapprobation, are i iffgardegl by Thoufands, and almoft by Millions, Ea'c. Thing Afi'bftiOhS whitherfoever they pleafe; who can 14 aS --'-ww mi kmmn-nw~rze1w¥m [ |