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Show (3') (9) corporation they make laWs for themfelves 3‘ but as a corporation fubfifiing by a grant: from higher authority, to the control of that authority, they i‘lill continue tubjeét. Confidering thia, nothing can he more plain, than that the fnpreine power in langlantl has a_ legal right of laying any tax upon them tor any entl beneficral to the '2. But you oljcé‘t, " It is the privilege m" a Freeman and an Englilhnian to be tax:(l only by his own content. And this con- utnt is given for every man by his reprefen'iatit‘e in parliarncrfi. But wehave no repre- iemation in parliament. '1'herefere we ought l I anfiver, This arfzazincnt proves too much ,. {1 \A p parliament cannot tax you, became w 'VO 1 iave no rcprelientatlon therein, for the lane mam it can make no laws to liintlr _'o;:. If a {re *man cannot be taxed Without l l l ll J , or adxnittinzr Q tam 3. But I object to the Very foundation of. vour plea. 'l.‘hat " every l‘reenxan )8 go« horned liv laWs to which he has eoni‘c-znttd," aln‘olutelv falter In wide-extended domi~ nions, ain'ery linail part of the ieople ar: coneernctl in making laws, This, as' all. public bonnet}, mutt be (lOnC bydelegatron. the delegates are cholen by a [cleft uninber. Anal thole that are not eleflors, who are, far the greater part, fiantl by, idle and heiiio lelis i‘peétators, not to be taxed thereby." ' be . broken 3 the neeellit Eton. as confidently as it has been afi'ertezl, it is whole empire. Iii ill"; "ll law draws after it by a chain which rennv The cafe of eleflors is little better; VVhen they are near equally divided, alnio‘i'e halt‘ot' them innit be gmernetl, not only Without, but ex en againlt their own eonm {entr his: warm Lament, neither can he he punilhed And how has any man content-ed to thou: n iihont it : for whatever holtls with regard heivaf born: lliVH, which \\ ere made before to taxation, holds with regard to all other Our content to thel‘c, nay antl to tn‘e taxis, par: now made even in England, is RHYCXY laws. 'J‘herefore he who denieslhe Englilll Ancl in may place, :15. all men are Parliament the power of taxation, denies it live. the right ot‘ making any laws at all. horn the l‘iilrieéts of tonic ltate or'othti, to they are horn, palhveiy, as it KICK; (if: But this power over the Colonies you have ne-ver clifputed : you have always admitted ilatutes, for the punilhment of offenCCS, and for the preventing or redrefling of ineomrenienees. And the reception of 3:}! WW: fentinq to the lawa of that (late: 1 1‘3: cono Other ihan this Lind of conent, the tioa of civil life tloes not allow. 5i But: |