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Show [ roo ] that, though you raife a terrible Outcry againil the fuppofed Violation of your Charters; you for {0 many Generations, and yet did not know vourfelf would not rel't the Merits of your Caufe that you were Slav‘ES until now. upon the Proof of fuch a Violation; and that BUT let that pals, my dear Coulin; for I always choole to confute you in your own Way. you would rather drOp that Point, than attempt " jultice ! and the Cruelty of taxing a free Peo- Now, if you mean any thing at all by the Words unreafonable, unjult, and cruel, as ufed in this Difpute; you mull mean, that the Mother Country deals worfe by you, than by' " ple, without permitting them to have Repre- the Inhabitants of Great-Britain -, and that {he " lentatives of their own to anfwer for them, denies certain Confiitutional Rights and Privileges to you abroad, which we enjoy here at home. Now pray what are thefe conflitutional Rights and Liberties, which are refufed to you P Name them, if you can. The Things which, tojuf'tify the Charge, if called upon to do it. WHAT then is it, which you have next to offer? Ohl, " The Unreafonablenefs! the In- " and to maintain their fundamental Rights " and Privileges l" H9511] (HUI! [ ro‘r ] ‘ And what a Pity is it, that you have been Slaves: STRANGE, that you did not difcover thefe bad Things before! Strange, that though the Britiflz Parliament has been, from the Beginning, thus unreal/mafia, thusmzjufl, and cruel towards you, by levying Taxes on many Commodities outwards and inwards,---nay, by laying an internal Tax, the Poft-Tax for Example, on the whole Britz'flz Empire in A'merz'm -,---and, what is {till worfe, by making Laws to aged your Property,_your Paper Currency, and even to take away Life itfelf, if you offend againft them :-~Strange and unaccountable, I fay, that after you had fufl‘ered this fo long, yOlI lhould not have been able to have difcovered, that YOU were without Reprefentatives in the Brill/71 Parliament, 0f your own flailing, 'till this enlightening Tax upon Paper opened your Eyes! And. you pretend to alledge are, " The Rights of " voting for Members of the Britiflt Parliament; " and the Liberty of chufing your own Repre- "‘ fentatives." But furely you will not dare to lay, that we refufe your Votes, when you come hither to offer them, and choofe to poll : You cannot have the Face to allert, that on an Elec- tion Day any Difference is put between the Vote Of a Man born in America, and of one born here in England. Yet this you mull allert, and prove too, before you can do any thing to the prefent Purpofe. Suppofe therefore, that an. American hath acquired a Vote (as he legally may, and many have done) in any of our Cities or Counties, Towns, or Boroughs ; fup~ N3 P05?» |