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Show if 10 l Irma/ml; properly employed ; and it is the great @oncem both of Religion and Government to lee, that they are employed in inch 9. lVIanner as lhallbe molt conducive to the Happinefs of the Indi- vidual, and of the Public tOgether. But perhaps it may be allied, what hlziterials "are. their: for this general Employment of l‘vianmnt . ] i Vienhve SivaL nilication of that Word,- 3'. rte, as it im- .- . merce, 3. mean, in the large plies 2. gene-rel Syltem for the zgfefzzl Employment of Mir Time ; as it exercilEs the partia .enlarGenius rind Abilities of Minkiml in {ome Wary or other, either of Holy or Mind, in mental or corporeal l_.::l:our, and fo as to make Self-Interei'i‘ Social coincide. And in purining this "‘- in, it anfwers all the great Ends both or Religion and Government; it creates foeial ‘iclntions, it enables Men to difcharge their Duty in thofe Relations, and it ferves as a Cement to conneét together the Re~ thymus and Civil lnterefi's of Mankind. t is a Friend to bi‘tll, when rightly underftood, and is befriended by them. AND thus I have endeavoured to proceed, Step by Step, in tracing the levers] Links Of this unit/erliil Chain: We mutt CODllClCi‘ find how are Men, to fulfil fuch DemandS, Things apart, we have no Capacities to take which botl in 0718 liflfi'é‘?‘ a] fV/zo/e', .nor is it the l'ro Vince of upon them Religion and Government make - £- Tiiis a very interefiing and important Q16 f 13011; and yet when we confider the Nature 0 it, the Anlwer is l‘uggell'ed by itlell: for What nniverfiil Employment can there be ? Whgf g 723ml Rule can V 7e purine for the mutual BCDC E o h'lankind ? And how are the Ends bothR: ‘ '4 ~21 3-H!!! LA." ' pretee‘tim: thnl‘e that {o behave from‘the .liraud or 'i'iolen'x of others, And what 15 this, but Religion appearing under another Shape? Relinioin is the Bulls, Civil Government is the SL1. peri‘true‘tnre ', and neither can be foznpietely el‘tabliflied, wit out the friendly Afiiltance and 1 helping Hand of the other. BUT having got thus far, we are yet to oolerye, that, according to our Deleripuons, the prelent Life is to be a holy and an aétive Scene‘: lLvery Man is to move in one Sphere or otner, and none to remain in an inaétive State: For our Pafiions are not to be annihilated, but to be "-1 'i'ilclifgion and GOVCTRJLL'IIL‘ to be anfwered, but by the Syllem or" iiniverfail Commerce 9-- Com- . w' as ,. 2.11de as lhnll contribute to the generalGood ; human Nature to fee every Part of the grand Machine in Motion at once. But even thele tl‘anlient and imperfef‘t Surveys of the Deligns 0f Providence, as exemplified in the Chri‘{Liz 11 Plan, are enough to l ill us with the moll: myth" 'ImPrCfiions of that being, whore Mercie" \.1\. J are 0V€r all his Works, and whole continued Aim in B 2 7) ~ v.1 595C" I-m [ |