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Show [ I78 ] [ 179 ] " of Places, better than we, who refide on the " Snot? No! 'l‘hefe has of the Britt/i1: Parlia- " to be made :1 flanding Order of both Houfes " of Parliament, never to pals any Law, when " ther for impofing a Tax, or for recrulatincr " Trade, or for any Other Purpofe whtitfoevet; " 111ent are lb .1t-f1ced 'li‘ncroacliments on our C Violatior1-5 of our Rights V" "1nd onen ‘ Lil1ertit5,n " and Properties: lhey are 1"11C Chains WfilCh " 0111 p1.ten led ldr'oteEtors, butin Reality our " wan/NIER M1963.111"115:enlongroiging " loi us. Let there tore all unite, and 1113111- " fully refit [.1611] ; let us poil‘pone the paying " of Debts, and enter into a genera 1'5 fibciation " to refute their Goods, to dit‘ttefs their Trade, " and to harrafs our cruel Enemies by every " Method in our Power; and if we are thus " united, they 7721196 yield, as they did éefare." In thort it would be endlefs to recount all the Topics which Inch 21 Scheme as this Gentleman has pi'Opofed would certainly furnilh to every popular Declaimer in every popular Arembly; " relating to any of the A'merz'mn Colonies, 'till " one whole Year after the firll reading of the "Bill; unlefs it be to renew fome exp?"in:r " Laws of great Importer ce, and of immediate " and urgent Necefiitty, fuch as the A117 for " éz'lZez‘z'rzg the King'5 Troops, and perhap: 102m: "few others that might be fpecially excepted " in the Order ' A THIS is the Reflti'ietion in Point of Time, which our Author propofes to lay on the Par- liament of" great-Bram, " They never muf‘t "pals any Law for impoling a Tax 'till one " wholeYear after the 11tltRe11ding 01the Bill:" Why Pm" In orher to (rive the 1everal Colonre and the n101e improbable, the more 2113111rd and " an Onportunity of makingprmw173/1717‘17'11'214- unjufi his Hainngues were in Point of found 1‘ rgument and jul't ReafoninO‘ -, fo much, rrtnerally neekrvt the more greedily would " tiom againi‘t1t, and to prevent the l'arlin rnem: they be received. Hownvtv, there is one Point 11 ore whichl cannot onn t, 117came it will thro01 a further ighwn 1'I‘11'1 31- liter, :11'17l11clo‘1e :1 new Scene '2 C .l‘v'l‘ni'; 11110:,.111tltthe Nil es of PO12-‘1‘1' 1 age 13, L113 Author1:115 down 13.2126 for the £01173: 1.5: of I‘mlittment 91715;"! 1 " from making injuclieious Laws, not mited "to the Condition ot theL Cool nies." A fine Contrivance truly I and a molt efieéltlal Expo dient to prevent the l'nrliziment from eve: making any Lawstto oblige he 1'177'7'77m; to ditcharge their Duty tow?rds their TVIother- Country: For th:s Gentle:1:111 111101111131: known, indeed it 15 hzmlly polhble, that the FdCL could have no 1:1(1'his Norice, had he 1e- "Ch Rt:peét to Anemia], 1:31:23. " That it Ought ‘6 to COHCéIEd 1% that this very Circumf‘tnnee of a Z 2 Year" |