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Show " them to fit and vote in the Britiflz Houfe of confiltent with the Unity of the Brit/fl: Government, yet as he has obviated the principal Difi " Commons, and confult with the King, and " the Great Men of the Kingdom, and the " Commons of the famein Parliament afiembled, Parliament itfelf, even after it hath been firengthened by the Acceflion of thefe ColonyReprelEntati‘.7es; there, I humbly apprehend, the Importance of the Subject fhould preponderate over mere Deference and Complaifance. Nay Iwill go {till further, and add, that if the Meafures prOpofed lhould be fhewn to have a Tendency to beget endlefs Jealoufies, Qiarrels, and Divifions, between the MotherCountry and the Colonies, inl'tead of proving a Means of Reconciliation, and a Center of Union, the Gentleman himlEIf, 1 am fully perfuaded, would be among the firl‘t in rejeEting his own Plan. " as {hall be ordained in Parliament, 69°C. Now this Perm might pafs very well among ourfelves at Home, where the Majority are not continually on the Watch to fpy out every Flaw, real or imaginary : But in regard to the Colo- nifts, and efpecially an Allenibly of Colonifts, the Cale is widely dilic'rent: For it iswell known that their Wits are perpetually at work to avail themfelves even of the Shadow of an Argument to Oppofe the Right and Anthority of the Mother-Country. Therefore they will imme- diately feize on the Words i772p0werz'ng and Cam fem‘, and reafon after the following fallacious Manner:--" The Allemblies who eleéled the " Commiflioners, have a Right to infiruét M Let us therefore now Clelbentl into Particulars. thefe Comniiflioners? Or both Houfes jointly P If the AND if't, it is prOpofed, Page 11, That they (the Commiflioners) lhould receive a Comn‘lf- fion in Writing from thCII‘ Electors (viz. the Allembhes in each l'rovrnce) " IMPOWERING former, then the Colony Governments would become llill more democrarz'm! than they now are, tho' already {0, to fuch an excelhve Degree, as to he almalt incompatible with any Idea of Monarchy 2 But if each Houle is to vote fe~ parately, what Jars and Factions, and reciprocal Reproaches, would this occafion! And how would they be " [hem able to agree ? 1n lhort, either Way, the Profpeét is alarmM lng ! . * Q1142", VVht-‘ther it is intended thatv‘ thc lower Hollies m each Aflembly lhould have the fole Right of votin g "If the e " them ; a; " CONSENT on the Behalf of the Province, " for which they were chofen, to inch Things ‘. BUT when he comes to give us the Form, the Extent, and the Limitation of theft: Commiflions; nay, when he propoles to circumfcribe the Authority and Jurifdic'tion of the Britzflz " upon the great Affairs of the Nation, and to i 1‘tween." ficulties, it would be both ill-natured and unjull: to fpy out every fmall Fault, or to magnify Objeé‘tions. viz. [ 166 ] "mayJ!» [ I 67 l |