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Show llflllJJllllMfll I II Ill-I Ill IP fl {is um; i ADDRESS AND APPEAL T0 THE LANDED INTEREST. 79 tied, by the early Meeting of Parliament, to publnh the prei‘mt Trentife at leaf: three Confequence of this information, I omitted in; blonths foorer their 'ntenued, I cannot at pre- the merit Edition, the whole Paragraph, and fcni mgr/immune Fee‘s ant! Dazes in the Manner {aid nothing, either p70, or can, particularly I will) to do, in an Adair of {ugh lmpcrtance, relative to Dr. FRANKLIN» Therefore I give dais public. Notice, than 1 build Thing confidcred, and the fmg'g; pg; of Dr. nothing on the prelent Narration, and I only FRANKLIN concerning the from Papers of Mr, And furely, every oiler it (became nor corro treated by liufiicient VVHEATLEY duly weighed, one would have Evidence) as a probable Cafe, and as my own thought, that I had made Satisfaction fully luf~ ‘Cpiiiion, INDEED l have a particular Reafon for acling ficient to stimuli any Man in inch :1 Cafe, whole. in this cautious Manner; leeing that I have much oetter founded than thofe ci‘Dr. FRANK- fuf‘ered already by making a Slip in an Affair of this Nature, which in any Other Caufe or Con~ troverfy, would have been reckoned to be a very "timid one. The Cafe was this: lit the Firll: Edition ofmy Fourth Traci, I had uccufed Dr, FRANKLm with having afied a very dilingenuous Part, in oppofing and denying the Authoria LIN. Pretenlions to nice Honour might have been But it feems, lwas miilaicen: For before he left Enghnd, l was called on in Print, to make Reparation to his much injured Charac‘. ter: And in his Abience, his Agents and Con:federates, the Monthly eviewers, have done the fame. HERE therefore, l appeal to the Public, when sy of the Bria/72 l'arliament, to lay a Tax [the ther I have not advanced as far already in this Stamp-Duty] on flmerim, when he himfelf had felicited to be employed as an Agent in the Collection of that very Tax. In Letters which Afi‘air, as there was need for me to have done, polled between us, he denied the Chtirge, all letting hrlt, that he did not make Inn-tell for fuppofing even (which is fuppoling a great deal) that every Thing which Dr. FRANKLIN faid was {'tric‘tly true : For granting that he did not folicit for that Place in particular, yet it is a. a. Place in the Stamp-Office, 'till the Bill was Paired into a Law 3- And zdly. that the Place, 11103: undeniable Fact, that at the very lnllnnt for which he talked, was not for himlelf, but for a, Friend, one Mr, HUGHES, who was accordu Commons, againll the Aurhority of Parliament, ingly. appointed by Mr. GRENVILLEO Nor» in in a very lucrative Poll, created by parliamentgry Authority: He was a Poll-Mallet General in Nart/i5 Cona when he was declaiming atthe Bar of the Home of he liiiiilElf was an American Revenue Officer, |