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Show 68 ADDRESS AND APPEAL To vernment, which was the only Center of Union, and the only Bond of Peace, {hall be removed, Faé‘tion will rife up againft Faction, Congrefs againfi Congrefs, and Colony againf‘t Colony», and then the Southern Provinces will find to their Cof't, that they have been egregioufly duped and bubbled by the Northern ; then they will perceive, that they have no other Alternative, but either to fubmit to the tyrannical Ufurpations of thofe ranting, hypocritical Rapuéa liazm, whom they ufed both to hate and defpife; or elfe to implore that Help, Defence, and REJUDICES and Prepofi‘eflions are fiubfi 'born Things in all Cafes; but in none more peculiarly obfiinate, than in relinquifhing detached Parts of an unwieldy, extended Empire; there not being, I believe, a fingle In- Protection of the Parent State, which they now fiance in all Hif'tory, of any Nation furrendering a dif'tant Province voluntarily, and of free Choice, notwithfianding it was greatly their f0 wantonly and ungratefully rejeét and op- Interef't to have done it. pofe :--In eitl er of thefe Situations, and under fuch Circumfiances, there is no Reafon to fear, cular have given remarkable Proofs of their that many of our People will flock to Nari/3e flmerim, their Interef't to have abandoned all the Pro- Unwillingnefs. The Engliflz in parti- For tho' it was undeniably vinces which they held in Frame, yet they never gave up one of them, 'till they were compelled to it by Force of Arms. Now indeed, and at this Difiance of Time, we fee clearly, that our Fore-Fathers were wretched Politicians in endeavouring to retain any one of the Pram/z Pro- vinces, which, if it was a little one, would be a continual Drain, and perhaps an encreafing Ex:pence; and if it was a great one, might grow up to be a Rival, and become the Seat of Em- pire. I fay, we can fee thefe Things clearly enough at prefent: Yet alas l what Advantages do we derive from this Difcovery? And what REMARK ' Application |