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Show u-tu I [mm mm .r_, on the very Face of the Account z-And Sadly, Becaufe the Bulinefs of Commercial Purrmo, during this Period, was carried, by the Parti- zans of flmerim, to a greater Height than ever, in order to make the American Trade appear to be of much more Conlequence to this Nation, than it really is.---To explain this Artifice of Commercial Pufing, to liuch Perfons, who are not converlant in the Progrels of Commercial Laws, Imull beg their Attention to the following lhort Narifative.~-» Formerly the Kings of "have" '4' My ,7" 51 ADDRESS AND APPEAL To England ef'tablilhed certain Duties or Taxes (generally five per Cent. (zel Valerem) both on the Import and Export of Goods, merely by Virtue of their new Prerogative; and, as it was the um'eerfal Prae‘z‘z'ee for every Prince to at in the fame Manner, thefe Duties or erg/lower}! Pay- ments were therefore called the CusTOMs,---the Place where thefe Duties were paid the Cuflem~ Heufe, and the Officers who collected them the Czejlem-Heufle Officers. Duty of about five per Cent. * ml Valorem, as low down as the Reigns oanARLEs H. and JAMES Il.--King \‘VILLIAM was the firfi' Prince who had a true Notion of introducing wife and beneficial Regulations into the Syllem of Exportation: For he carried the Duties to be taken of? from the Exports of Eizgli/lz Woollen Manufac- tures, and ofa few other Articles: Queen ANN followed his good Example, and extended the fame politic Syltem a little farther: But it was referved t0 the Reign of GEORGE I. and to the Adminifiration of that great and able Minifter, Sir ROBERT ‘WALPOLE (whom the Traders, and the Populace always abufed) to enrich this Country by Means of a general Syflem ofjudi- elem Taxes, and l‘alutary commercial Regula- tions. For in one fingle Aél: of Parliament in the Year 1722, (8th of G. I. Chap. 15.) there were about 196 Taxes repealed, [fee CROUCH's Book ofRates] Taxes which had been iniudicioufly laid, partly on Raw-Materials coming in, In Procefs of Time, the Subjects gained a little more Liberty; {0 that the Duties, which were originally impoled by Virtue of the mere Prerogative of the Crown, were at" * ueen ELIZABETH {ometimes railed this Duty to 20 and 25 per Cent. by Orders and Warrants ill'ued from her tcrvards collected by the Authority of an 115‘, or te AuPrivy Council ; that is, by her own fole and abfolu were Days her And Bess: gramgood was {he Yet . thority 3275 of the whole Legillature. gull/en Day. AND yet, notwithllanding this Change ofAu- thority, there was very littleAlteration in the Syltem of Taxation: For Export: as well as [experts (in @11pr Days 9f Commercial Blindnefs) paid a i i Duty See alfo the lhockmg Number of Monopolies H-END s granted in her Reign, fet forth at large 1n TOWNS mmt. Colleflion; or in Sir SlMON d'Ewr's jute/"mil of Parlm 43d See more particularly the Debates which pail 1n the Year of her Reign, after a Struggle of upwards of 20 Years but for abolilhing thefc Monopolics. mare|. ‘ v All, Vaflav‘lm i Will-IIIIHW" I . THE LANDED INTEREST. 50 |