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Show 38 ADDRESS AND APPEAL To THE LANDED INTEREST. Carter of Spar/‘7. that fuch Meetings produce little or no lilffeéls in regard to the obtaining of a 7m 07172717 Degree of Liberty for the Subjeét, which every Subject, mite with her own; and at the fame Time fhould allow thefe Nari/'z-flmerimm to be Capartners with herfelf in one common Empire. if in his right Settles, willies to obtain? The Reafon is obvious :---'I‘here are a Multitude of little States or Parliaments within the Territo~ BUT why do I labour to prove this Point? Mr. BURKE himfelfis as conltious, asl can be, ries of the Home of A'rrflrizz-yuthe States of flzg/Frz'zz (not to mention the feveral ilill lefler States in the Netherlands) the States ofBo/mm'a, States of Hui/312735 of T7'a7fll-vc272irz, 577m, Carmt/zz'rz, Cm‘lzz'ala, &c. &C. But all thefe petty States, or Parliaments being totally independent of, and confequently Competilerr with, and Rim]; to each other, never can act in Concert, or ') l-Ulllllllllflllmr" bM-|I| l lllllll In"; i L ,5; 39 How then comes it to pals,-« of the dreadful Elfleéls, which mull neceflhrily attend the Execution ofhis Scheme. Hear him therefore in his own Words :---*" We know "that the Emulations of fuch Parties [to be "created by the independent Parliaments of " North-177776777612] their Contradiélions, their re" ciprocal Necefiities, their Hopes and their " Fears, mafl fend them all in their Turns to mon [martyr :---So that the Power of the Prince, " him who holds " The Parties are " ment keeps the "Vv'inner in the which would have been too weal; to have con- " played, Ireally think, it is more to be feared, purlue one general Plan, or attend to one com- .- tended with them all, if all had been UNITED (like the Parliament of Gi‘cfli~37‘itflifi) in 0716 compafi, and genera] Body,--becomes an Over- 77mtc/z for any one of them fingly and disjointed from the reit:---And this is the true Reafons why the Houfe of 7mm governs all her Provinces with (0 high an Hand at this Day. In ibort, Divide at impera, explains the whole Myfl tery of this All‘air :---And Great-Britain may the BALANCE of the Staten the Gamef'ters, but Govern- Table, and is {are to be the End. Vhen this Game is " that the [17377767776573] People will be exhauf‘tetl, " than that Government will not be fupplied." Now, my Lords and Gentlemen! be pleafed to compare thele Fear: of Mr. BURKE, " that "the flmerirmzs will be too [mi/12 in their " Grants,---with the Hope: entertained by the Agent (jufl‘ quoted from Monfieur De Lewis) " that the flmeritmzr by Means of 7'7!»st €7.17 I: " may recommend themielves to the good. here fee her own Pié‘cure, drawn to the Life, if ever {he lhould confent to the Ereflion of Parliaments in Na77i/z-/1merim, to be co-ora'i- 77(sz M a's See his Speech, film-{.5 an) M 1775, fecond Edmon Oélaro. 5‘ Graces |