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Show j i -'vmm; efiiflumxi 37. ADDRESS AND APPEAL TO as yet undefined, if really definable I And is itat I'traints by any Forfeitures or Penalties, which all confiflent with any Degree of common Senfe, or daily Experience, to fuppofe that fuch Combulli'oles as thefe will not {peedily catch Fire ?-~ and provided alfo that, if Olliences fhould be {Lippoled to be committed, they, (the Almeri- cordant Tempers of the Inhabitants of thefe re- Judges both of the Nature, and of the Degree of each Oll'ence; and that the Caufe fhall be tried no where elle, but in their own flmerz'mn fpeétive Provinces, their inbred Hatreds and Antipathies againfi each other, their diliCerent Modes of Life, the Diderences of Climate, Religion, Manners, Habits of Thinking, &c. &c. mill-lllllml'i‘ and Underfiandings on this I-Iead.---Afl< your- "-"NIIIIIIII I | i ' ,,x {elves this plain Qiefiion, ls fuch a Plan of Reconciliation as l\/lr. BURKE propoies, a likely Method of terminating the prefent Dif- i' Efpecially, if we take into the Account, the dif- cans) and no others {hall be allowed to be Courts, and by their own xlnzerz'can Juries. Now, my Lords and Gentlemen, fuller me I befeech you, to appeal to your own good Senfe ‘ 33 upon it, provided you will not enforce fuch Re. {hall imply the mofl cit/inn! [den of T'nxntion,--- ‘~ 1; THE LANDED INTEREST. Now, when Tumults and Diforders fhall arife from any of thefe various Caufes,---What is to be done? And to whom, or to what common , , Head, or general Umpire IS the appellant Province to carry her ComplaintP---The Parliament ofGreat-Brimin, it feems, mul't no longer inter- putes between the h/lother-Country and her C0lonies? Nay afk farther ;---Hath it f0 much as fere; for that is no longer the fupreme Head of a Tendency to cool and moderate them? Or fubordinate, and profelTed to be obedient ; therefore, being deftitute of any authoritative rather doth it not feem much better contrived to enflame, than to extinguifh 3 to kindle new Fires, than to quench old ones P BESIDES, when each of thefe flmerimn Afi'em« blies {hall be erected into a dillinct Parliament, the Empire, to which all the Parts ufed to be or conl‘titutional Right to compel Submiflion, all it can do, is to otter its good Services by Way of Mediation ; and that is, generally fpeaking, juft nothing at all. fupreme within itfeli', and independent of the Is then the KING (abf'traéted from the Parlia- reth- --ls it poliible to fuppofe, that no new Dif- ment) to be appealed to in this arduous Altair? And is he alone (in his mere per/anal Capacity) to Command the Peace to be prelerved between putes, or new Differences will ai'ile between fiIClI co-ordinate States and rival Powers ;---n€z'g/1banning, jealous, and contending Powers, 1 fay, whole refpeétive Limits are in many Infianccs as State and State, or Province and Province-:E _ .f‘Is |