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Show will!!! (at; BESIDEs, if the American Colonies belonging to Frame or Spain, have not yet let up for In- dependence, or thrown off the Mafque ft) niucl as the Erzglz' z Colonies have ClOI'lC,---Wl'1't‘.t is this fant to me Deiflcendants of thefe lower Saa‘am, i. e. Olfsprings are * awed by the Dread of Punifh- 1, 7‘, .' ' to tie Olrsp iing of our. own l'ro gemt' ors ; nor i can we, with any Colour of Real‘on, pI‘CCCHd to complain that even the Bofloizimzx have treated us more indignantly than we have treated the Harmer?)1,715. "ale, What then would have been the it the little infignificant Elec‘torate 0f Hrs/'Jot‘er had preiumed to retain a Claim Of 50- vrreignty over fueh a Country as Great-371541.71, the 'r'rzde and Millrefs of the Ocean ? And yet, i believe, that in Point of Extent OfTCFl‘itOFY' "fire/2w Pile-ritual Dominions, infignificantaS ' i1e ionietimes i't>1:;‘eleiitetl, are more than at l‘/'(}lCl}' of ivy/(222d, exelulive of Scotland and I; "W: VV'illQl‘L‘LIS the whole llland of Great- ments from breaking forth into thofe Outrages .vhich ours dare do with lmpunity. Nay more, the very Colonies of France and Spain, though they have not yet thrown off their Allegiance, are neverthelefs as forward as any in difobeying the Laws of their Mother-Countries, wherever they find an lntereft in to doing. For the Truth Of this FaEt, I appeal to that prodigious Clan- deftine Trade which they are continually carry-ing on with us, and with our Colonies, contrary to the exprefs Prohibitions of [trance amd Spar}: : And I appeal alfo to thofe very free Ports which the Brita/l; Legiflature itfelf hath lately opened ]Jrrtmxz, is fcarccly a twentieth Part of thofe wilt Regions which go under the Denomination or f‘slui‘tfl-Alrizerz'to. ‘ Brsrnrs, *‘ But notwithfianding this Awe, it is now pretty gene- rally known, that the Franc/J Colonills of Hag/1mm en" deavoured lately to {bake off the Government of OM France, and applied to the Bitty/2 Court for that Purpofe. ou for v 'iuni'iciently evident,that we are not over complai- v fuperior Referve to be. imputed to? Not to any greater filial Tendernefs in them for their refpefiive antient Parents than in others ~,---not to Motives of any national Gratitude, or of national Honour -,---but becaufe the Conl‘titution of each of thofe Parent States is much more arbitrary and defpotic than the Conf‘titution of Great-Britain; and therefore their refpeétive s v Uilm it a MAI-13 as; vi. beholden to the Mother-Country. And if our A'merimrzr have exprelfed then‘ilelves fooner on this Head than others have done, or in a more direct and daring lvlanner, this ought not to be imputed to any greater Malignity, or lngratitude in them, than in others, but to that bold free Confiitution, which is the Prerogative and Road of us all. We ourfelves derive our Origin from thofe very Saxons, who inhabited the lower Parts of Germany -, and yet I think it is [ I55 ] millet" ' see. [ 154 ] find that they are able to fubfif't, without being |