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Show [ 1 to [_ ] III T chofe, and for whom he had no "Vote to give, ] . more 1297:7155wa to you A,‘,Z€}‘itfl72§, than they have been to their own Fri/5,17} Voters, whom they reprefent by Nmzz'zzzzrz'arz ? And, what if even» this Argument, lb full of Sorrow and Lamen- and againl't whom perhaps he had particu.ar Exceptions, have neverthelefs a Right of taxing him, becaufe he makes a Part of the Body Politic implied in, and concluded by the reiqt ; _- tation, fhould at flail be retorted upon you, and you cannot fay this, ecaufe the DOCTRINE of made to conclude, like all the refl, the very Re- IMPLICATION is the very Thing to which you objeél‘, and againlt which you have rallied To many Batteries of popular Noile and Clamour. Nay, as the Objection is entirely of your own making, it muff go {till further: For if your Argument is good for any thing, it is as good verfe of what you intended P This, I believe, is what you little expected : But neverthelefs, this is the Cafe: For if there be any Partiality to be complained of in the Conduct of the Bria/l; Parliament, it will appear to be a Partiality in for North-flmerim as it is for Great-Britain; and confequently you mull: maintain, that all thofe in your feveral Provinces who have no Votes (and many Thoufands of fuch there are) and alfo all thofe Votes, whole Reprefentarives did not exprelly confent to the Act of your Allemblies for raifing any of your own provincial Taxes,---ought not to be compelled to pay them. Thefe now are the happy Confequences of your own Principles, fairly, clearly, and evidently deduced: Will you abide by them? Favour of the Colonies, and againf‘t the Mother Country. Do you demand my Authority for this AflErtion? I will give it you :~--The Sta- tutes of the Realm are my Authority, and furely you cannot demand a better. By rhefe then it will appear, that a Colonif't, who is confequently fubordinate to the Mother Country in the very Nature of Things, is neverthelels put upon a better Footing, in many Refpeé‘i‘s, than an Inhabitant of Great-Britain. By thefe it will appear, that the Parliament, like an over-indulgent Parent to his Favourite, froward Child, BUT however, not to pufh you into more hath been continually heaping Favours upon Abfurdities of this Kind, let us wave the prefent Point, and come to another. For, after all your doleful Complaints, what if it fhould ap- you, which we were not permitted to tal'te. pear, that thefe Five Hundred and Fifty-eight Parliamentary Guardians, who reprefent you Tobacco,---or after bringing it here, whether you will carry it away, and try your Fortune, at another Market: But I have no Alternative only by [MD/frail???) have, in fact, been [cinder and 777 6' 1‘3 Thus, for Example, you have your Choice, Whether you will accept of my Price for your allowed |