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Show [ 70 l l. 7 i ] of another, provided they are reafonably cheap As to the moral and political World, Pros Vidence has f0 ordained, that every Nation and good 5 f0 that the richer one Nation is, the more it has to fpare, and the more it will certainly lay out on the Produce and Manu- factures of its ingenious Neighbour. Do you object to this? Do you envy the Wealth, or may increafe in Frugality and Indufiry, and conl‘equently in becaufe it has Riches '2‘, if they pleafe; given a Power to every Nation to make good Laws, and wife Re< gulations, for their internal Government: repine at the Profperity of the Nations around you ?---lf you do, confider what is the Confe- And none can jultly blame them on this Account. Should, for Example, the Polar, quence, viz. that you wifh to keep a Shop, but hope to have only Beggars for your Cultomers. or the Tartar: grow weary of their prefent LASTLY, the good Providence of God has wretched Syf'tems, and refolve upon a better Coni'titution; ihould they prefer Employment further ordained, that a Multiplication of In- habitants in every Country {liould be the belt Means of procuring Fertility to the Ground, and of Knowledge and Ability to the Tiller of to Sloth, Liberty to Slavery, and Trade and Manufactures to Theft and Robbery; {hould they it: Hence itfollows, that an lncreafe of Num- bers, far from being a Realbn for going to War ** The Wealth of this Nation-that amazing Wealth, in order to thin them, or for fending them out to people remote Defarts, operates both as an exciting Caufe to the Hufbandman to increafe his (Luantity, in Proportion to the Demand at which has been {0 profufely fquandered away in the two 131': general and devouring Wars, is principally owing to the wife Regulations of that able Miniller, Sir ROBERT WALPOLE. Juftice to his Character, and Gratitude to his Memory, demand this Tribute of Acknowledgement to be paid him when dead, which was {hamefully denied him Market; and alfo enables him to raile more plentiful Crops, by the Variety and Plenty Of while alive. Sm' opinions/22 (ammonia ale/er die: .' And the Time is now come when his very Adverfaries frankly confef5, That his Plan of Commerce was manly and rational ; thofe rich Manures, which the Concourfe of Peeple, their Horfes, Cattle, 65c. 83%. produce: that his Endeavours to prevent an infatuated People from quarrelling with their belt C ultomers, were truly patriotical; And it is remarkable, that very populous Coun- and that his very Crimes were more Owing to the Extremities to which he was driven by his implacable Enemies, than tries are much lefs lubjeé‘t to Dearths or Pamines to. any Malignity of his own. When he cameinto Adminillration, he found the Eng/2% Book of Rates almolt as bad as any in Europe; but he left it the very belt. And were you to compare what he did for promoting general Trade, (and much more he would have done, had it not been than any other.--So much as to thofe Stores of rovrdence, which are laid in) in the natural World, and gracioinh‘ irtendetl for the Ule of Mankind. As |