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Show 1894.] MANICA, SOUTH-EAST AFRICA. 41 62. CHARAXES SATURNUS, Butl. Charaxes saturnus, Butl. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1865, p. 624, pi. 36. fig.l. Of this common South-Tropical species there are one example from Umtali, seven from the Mineni Valley, and four from the Lusika Eiver. Of the two females from the last-named locality, one expands a little over 4 inches and the other 3f inches. 63. CHARAXES CASTOR (Cram.). Papilio castor, Cram. Pap. Exot. i. t. xxxvii. figs. C, D (1775). Mr. Selous notes that C. castor was rare; he took but three specimens, all on the stem of the same thorn-tree (Acacia sp.) at Lusika Eiver on which the female C. azota was captured, and on the same date, the 13th April. 64. CHARAXES POLLUX (Cram.). Papilio pollux, Cram. Pap. Exot. i. t. xxxviii. figs. E, F (1775). Papilio camulus, Dru. 111. Nat. Hist. iii. pi. 30 (1782). A female from Christmas Pass, taken on 27th February, and a male from the Mineni Valley, taken on 16th March, are the only examples in the collection. These are both distinguished from the West-African specimens that I have seen in possessing not only considerably larger ochre-yellow hind-marginal spots in the fore wings, but also a complete and conspicuous series of ochre-yellow lunules along the hind margin of the hind wings ; they further both want on the upperside of the fore wings the lowermost black spot (between 2nd and 1st median nervules). In the female not only are the tails on the hind wings considerably longer and wider than in the male, but the intermediate dentation on the 2nd median nervule is also prolonged into a short tail. The male was captured sucking at exudations on the branches of the same tree that was frequented by C. bohemani (see below), the female fluttering among grass. Manica is by far the most southern station recorded for this Butterfly, and indeed, as far as I can ascertain, the only East- African one near the coast; but C. pollux is common at Sierra Leone and extends to Carneroons and Chinchoxo (4° 22' S.) along the West Coast, while Mr. Butler has also recorded it as amoug Emin Pasha's captures in Monbuttu, Central Africa, about 4° N. 65. CHARAXES ACH^MENES, Feld. (Plate V fig. 7, $ .) $ 2 - Charaxes achcemenes, Feld. Eeise Novara, Lep. iii. p. 446 pi. lix. figs. 6, 7 [tf] (1867). One specimen from Umtali, one from Christmas Pass, five specimens from Mineni Valley, and five from the Lusika Eiver; three of these are females. Although the upperside of the male and the underside of both sexes are so completely unlike to the pattern and colouring of |