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Show 1894.] ANATOMY OF PALAMEDEA CORNUTA. 555 The basihyal or copula is longer than it is broad, and in form is intermediate between the short, broad, copula of Ducks, Accipitres, and Parrots, and the long slender copula of Waders. The urohyal is very long, and cartilaginous at the extremity. As in the Tinamu, it is movable upon the copula. The entoglossum is in the extremely primitive condition of being paired. This paired condition is indicated by a central aperture in Geese and some other birds. The ceratohyals consist each of two bony pieces, with a short cartilaginous segment between them. Table of Chief Differences between Palamedea and Chauna. PALAMEDEA. CHAUNA DERBIANA. Pterylosis and cuta- Differences very slight, as Nitzsch has stated. neous system. Rectrices 14. 12. Proventricular glands. Continuous cap. Single patch. Liver-lobes Right layer. Subequal. Duodenum Hepatic and pancreatic ducts Ducts enter at the bend enter at summit of ascend- ( Garrod). ing loop. Caeca Identical in their very peculiar structure, but slightly larger in Palamedea. Bronchial semirings ... Unossified ; 9 and 8 in First two are ossified; 7 at number. each side. Syrinx Deeply notched back and Notched only at back. front. Sternotracheal muscles. Two pairs; arising 4 rings Two pairs. higher up. Expansor secundari- Ciconiine. Ciconiine. orum. Biceps patagialis Absent. Absent. Brevis tendon Ends on radius. Passes over to ulna (Fiir-bringer). Pectoralis minor Does not reach the posterior margin of the sternum. Origin of obdurator Elongate oval. Elongate oval. internus. Postaeetabular part of Represented by a small slip Absent. gluteus maximus. with separate nerve from the ischiadic plexus. Ambiens Present. Present. Semitendinosus Present. Present. Accessory semitendi- Present, but fused with Present. nosus. gastrocnemius middle head. Femoro-caudal Present. Present. Accessory femoro-cau- Absent. Present. dal. Long flexor to hallux... Present. Absent. Skeleton. The whole skeleton generally slighter and long bones longer. Posterior lateral processes shorter and broader. No uncinate processes. 6thbr oaadn da nd7 thha ver ibas faairnet Sternum Ribs More anserine. No uncinate processes |