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Show 560 DR. A. G. BUTLER ON LEPIDOPTERA [June 19, the median vein somewhat swollen at the base, though less so in Ypthima, of which genus the whole of these Madagascar forms might well be considered a section, the angulated-winged species being alone kept distinct under the generic name of Strabena \ The absence of any swelling at the base of the median vein in Neoccenyra at once separates it from Ypthima, and, as a matter of course, from Mabille's second version of Strabena. 7. NEOCCENYRA GREGORII, sp. n. (Plate XXXVI. fig. 2.) Nearest to N. duplex : considerably larger. Olivaceous brown, slightly rufescent in certain lights on the basal half, which is always slightly darker; a well-defined dark brown submarginal line, somewhat sinuated on the secondaries, particularly towards the apex ; a second more slender line close to outer margin : primaries with a large, rounded, subapical, black bipupillated ocellus ; the pupils white, edged with blue or lavender scales ; iris tawny orange, with external dark browrn zone : secondaries with three or four similarly coloured, but smaller and unipupillated ocelli as follows :- one subcostal towards apex, very small in the male but large in the female, and three in an oblique series from third median branch to near anal angle, the third smaller than the others and sometimes wanting in male examples. Wings below slightly more olivaceous than above, the submarginal lines sienna-red externally, the inner one of the secondaries zigzag towards apex; two other irregular lines, dark brown in the male but red in the female, crossing the wings, angulated on the secondaries; base of costa and discoidal cell red in both sexes ; ocelli nearly as above, but the subanal ocellus of the secondaries alw7ays present and usually double or geminate, the opposite wings sometimes showing two small ocelli near together or one geminate ocellus respectively. Body blackish, with a red spot on the patagia. Expanse of wings, $ 43 millim., 2 46 millim. Karianduri, ascent of Kilima Meza, Elmeteila Basin, Nawashi to Baringo Valley, Kariandur, 6100 feet, wooded ravines and cliffs to the east and salt marshes to the west; Alng'aria ; Thegu and steppes north of Thegu; Ndora steppes at base of Kenya, 7000 ft.; Bangatan, Ndari. 8. NEOCCENYRA DUPLEX. (Plate XXXVI. fig. 1.) c?. Neoccenyra duplex, Butler, P. Z. S. 1885, p. 758. n. 4. The true female of this species has the tawny area on the primaries much larger than in the male and continued downwards to the first median branch, enclosing a second small and unipupillate ocellus on the first median interspace; the secondaries show a sinuous dark brown line beyond the cell on the under surface. Expanse of wings 36 millim. Ngomeni to Kinani. 1 Apart from colour characters, I fail to see any good reason for distinguishing " Strabena " tamatavce and allies, even as a Section, from true Ypthima, the only structural distinction being one of degree. |