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Show 588 PR. A. G. BUTLER ON LEPIPOPTERA [Julie 19, 177. CARAPRINA 1NPICATA. Caradrina indicata, Walker, Lep. Het. x. p. 299. n. 39 (1856). Sabaki Valley. 178. PERIGEA CONPUCTA. Caradrina conducta, Walker, Lep. Het. x. p. 296. n. 32 (1856). Thiriati. 179. ILATTIA AXIS. Amyna axis, Guenee, Noct. i. p. 407. n. 378 b. Sabaki Valley. ISO. EUPHASIA UMBRIGERA. 2 . Acontia umbrigera, Felder, Reise der Nov., Lep. Het. pi. cviii. fig. 34. 3, Tzavo, at night. Felder's figure is peculiar, the secondaries being intermediate between the white coloration of the male aud the brown of the female. 181. TARACHE INSOCIA. o*. Acontia insocia, Walker, Lep. Het, xii. p. 788. n. 18 (1857). 2 , Tzavo. The female was described by Walker under the name of Acontia pyralina. 182. TARACHE SEOTA ? Acontia secta, Guenee, Noct, ii. p. 221. n. 997. 3 2 . Njempo. 183. TARACHE UPSILON. Calophasia upsilon, Walker, Lep. Het. Suppl. iii. p. 763 (1865). Sabaki Valley. 184. TARACHE TROPICA ? Acontia tropica, Guenee, Noct. ii. p. 217. n. 988. Ngatana. (Very much faded !) 185. METACHROSTA MIANOIPES. Ozarba mianoides, Hampson, 111. Typ. Lep. Het. ix. p. 98, pi. clxii. fig. 16 (1893). Sabaki Valley. Perhaps slightly greyer than specimens from the Nilgiris, but not otherwise differing. 186. E U B L E M M A REPUCTA, sp. n. (Plate XXXVII. fig. 7.) Allied to E. olivacea, Walk., but considerably smaller ; primaries of male whity brown irrorated with grey, of female brownish grey |