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Show 184 PROP. P. R. UHLER ON T H E [Mar. 6, blackish stripe. Connexivum sharp-edged, thin, recurved, dull testaceous or pale fulvous; disk of tbe tergum black each side, middle line of the last two segments also black. Length to tip of venter 3|-4| mm.; width of pronotum |- lf mm. This remarkable species was found in abundance on the Mirabeau estate, on the windward side of the island. It has also been taken in Florida and Cuba. The notes of capture are as follows:- March 25, at an altitude of 500 feet above sea-level, on herbage in open places near a stream of water; April 7, at an altitude of 250 feet, came to light in the night, and was also swept from herbage; also April 13 and 27, in second-growth woods and in weedy places. This is a variable species, approaching very near to N. califor-nicus, Stal, from which it can be at once distinguished by the longitudinal callosities of the pronotum. ISCHNORHYNCHUS, Fieber. ISCHNORHYNCHUS CHAMPIONI, Dist. Ischnorhynchus championi, Dist. Biol. Centr.-Am., Hem.-Het. p. 193, pi. 19. fig. 3. A few specimens were taken at several localities in the island. At Balthazar they were brushed from herbage in cocoa orchards, in shady and damp places, on March 23; at Chantilly they occurred at an elevation of 500 feet, on M a y 5, in second-growth thickets. Later in the year they were found on the Cahveny estate, near sea-level, September 1, on the foliage of dry scrubby growth. On October 16 they were found in a similar, but damp place, near St. George's. NlNUS, Stal. NlNUS NOTABILIS, Dist. Ninus notabilis, Dist. t. c. p. 191, pi. 19. fig. 4. This species was found in considerable numbers on the Ven-dome estate in September, where it was beaten from herbage on marshy land. It was taken also on the Mount Gay estate, and upon the Mirabeau estate, in open places near a stream of water. on herbage, March 25. NEONINUS, Dist. NEONINUS ILLUSTRIS, Dist. Neoninus illustris, Dist. t. c. p. 192, pi. 19. fig. 5. Specimens were taken at Balthazar, March 23, in damp and shady places, from herbage, in cocoa orchards. It was also found upon the Mirabeau estate, April 7, where it came to the light at night. |