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Show 86 DR. A. GtrNTHER ON REPTILES AND [Jan. 16, distance between eye and ear-opening and twice as long as the eye ; ear-opening small. Lepidosis of the head granular. Eostral quadrangular, with a median cleft above, and with a pair of small shields behind; nostril pierced between the rostral, post-rostral, first labial, and two small granular shields ; eight upper and seven lower labials; mental large, pentagonal, with two large chin-shields behind. The scales surrounding the body are nearly of the same size; about eighty-six longitudinal series may be counted round the middle of the body. Tail conical, with a median series of larger scutes below. The fore part of the hind limbs is covered with small imbricate scales like the body, whilst the posterior part is granular with large subcorneal tubercles. Similar tubercles, but fewer in number and flatter, are seen on the hinder side of the forearm. Pifteen pores in the prseanal series, which extends for some distance on the thigh. Thumb with six lamella?, of which the penultimate is deeply notched; seven lamella? under the second, eight under the third, and seven under the fourth fingers. Inner toe with three lamella?, of which the middle is notched ; second toe with four lamella?, the penultimate being divided ; fourth toe with six lamella?, the penultimate being divided ; fifth toe with six lamella?, all of which are more or less notched. Upper parts uniform brownish, lower whitish. Total length . . 78 millim. Head 11 „ Width of head 8 „ Distance of snout from vent ,. 45 „ Tail, partly reproduced 33 „ Pore limb 11 „ Hind limb 15 „ A single specimen was obtained at Ngatana. 8. LYGODACTYLUS PICTURATUS, Ptrs. Ngatana, Tzavo. 9. AGAMA DORIJE, Blgr. Puladoya (Aug. 16). 10. AGAMA GREGORII, sp. n. Allied to Agama cyanogaster. Nostril lateral, not tubular, and below the canthus rostralis. The anterior of the upper scutes of the head are smooth, but the posterior surmounted by a small spine; occipital not enlarged; small, conical spinous scales on the sides of the throat, about the ear, and on the neck ; ear larger than the eye-opening. A deep fold across the throat, but no gular pouch. Body depressed, without fold on the side of the back; back with numerous larger scales mixed among the small ones, the largest forming a tolerably regular series on each side of the median line; the two series passing into two rows of very large scutes which protect the median line of the tail. All the larger scales are keeled. Ventral scales smaller than the largest on the back, keeled, the keels terminating behind in a spine. |