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Show 158 PROP. P. R. UHLER ON THE HEMIPTERA-HETEROPTERA [Feb. 20, directly at base, the costa, and base of the two medial veins of the corium ; the legs and antennae yellow. Head broad, convex, narrower than the front of the pronotum, but with the eyes prominent and extending beyond the pronotum; antennae reaching to the tip of corium, the basal joints thick, the second one longer than the first, and the remaining ones thread-like, set with fine hairs. Pronotum convexly arched, a little wrinkled anteriorly, steeply sloping forwards, minutely and closely scabrous, with the posterior margin a little decurved, and the humeri moderately prominent; the scutellum small, dull black. Clavus raised like a tabula; the veins of the corium coarse and prominent; the membrane long, dull black, with the medial longitudinal veins long, parallel, and continued to the tip. Length to tip of membrane 1| millim.; width of pronotum | millim. Only one specimen was secured on the island, and as it is not labelled, nothing can be stated concerning its habitat. SCHIZOPTERA CAPITATA, sp. nov. This form, omitting the head, is nearly like S. flavipes, Beuter. The head departs remarkably from all the related species in being long, conical, and acutely tapering at tip ; the body, head, pronotum, legs, and scutellum are pale fulvous, with the coriaceous part of the hemelytra velvety black, and the membrane and apex of the corium whitish yellow. Eyes small, lateral, subglobose, blackish; antennae pale yellowish, reaching beyond the tip of the corium, the basal joint shorter than the second, the second a little thickened at tip, with the remaining joints very slender, dusky, and minutely fringed ; rostrum projecting from behind tbe middle of the gula, pale testaceous, reaching to the middle coxae, and a little piceous at tip. Pronotum transverse, trapezoidal, flat above, steeply sloping, with the lateral margins obliquely tapering and the margin a little reflexed; the anterior margin, as wide as the space between the eyes, abutting against a collum which stands between the eyes; the posterior margin almost straight, with the humeri subacute. Scutellum crescentiform, elevated at base, contracted beyond the base and acutely tapering to the tip. Corium somewhat greyish pubescent, the veins distinct, the cubital one leaving a wide areole in the interval out to the costa and keeping on to tip of membrane ; the costal vein tawny towards the tip, the vein next inward running parallel with this and equally continuous. Length to tip of membrane \\ millim.; width of pronotum | millim. Only one specimen was secured. It was found at locality No. 6. In this form the hemelytra are very much wider than the abdomen and longer than usual, with the costal margin curved nearly the same as in S. fiavip's, Beut. Mr. Beuter does not include in this genus any species with produced head; but the characters in this species, apart from those of the head, seem distinctly to connect it with the genus to which it is now referred. |