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Show 728 MR. G. A. BOULENGER ON ADDITIONS TO THE LIZARD [Dec 4, below by a" dark brown line; upper lip white, crossed by two oblique brown streaks on each side of the snout; limbs with brown cross-bars; lower parts white, the gular appendage greyish on the sides. millim. . millim. Total length 147 Fore limb 23 Head 15 Hind limb 44 Width of head.... 9 Tail 88 Body 44 A single male specimen from Chontales, Nicaragua, collected by Mr. B. A. Bix. Presented to the British Museum by Mr. W . M . CroAvfoot. ANOLIS RHOMBIEER. (Plate XL VIII. fig. 2.) Head nearly once and two-thirds as long as broad, longer than the tibia; forehead concave; frontal ridges feebly marked; upper head-scales feebly keeled; scales of the supraorbital semicircles strongly enlarged, separated by one or two series of small scales; twelve to fourteen enlarged supraoculars, separated from the supraorbital scales by a series of very small scales; occipital as large as the ear-opening, separated from the supraorbitals by three or four series of scales ; canthal scales four ; loreal rows seven; six upper labials to below centre of eye; ear-opening large, vertically oval. Gular appendage moderately large; gular scales keeled. Body slightly compressed; no dorso-nuchal fold. Dorsal scales small, subimbricate, strongly keeled, much smaller than ventrals; flanks covered with minute, granular scales; ventrals imbricate and strongly keeled. The adpressed hind limb reaches the centre or the anterior border of the eye; digits moderately dilated; 14 or 15 lamellae under phalanges II. and III. of the fourth toe. Tail scarcely compressed, once and one-fourth to once and one-third length of head and body. No enlarged postanal scales. Pale greenish golden above, with two brown stripes originating on the nape above and behind the ears; betAveen these stripes five large rhomboidal brown spots, the last betAveen the hind limbs; a small blackish ring on the base of the tail; lower parts whitish. d- $. millim. millim. Total length 90 128 Head 12 15 Width of head 7-5 9 Body 28 40 Fore limb 19 24 Hind limb 34 44 Tail 50 73 Two specimens, male and female, from Chontales, Nicaragua, collected by Mr. B. A. Bix. Presented to the British Museum by Mr. W . M . Crowfoot. |