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Show 46 MR. R. TRIMEN ON BUTTERFLIES FROM [Jan. 16, greenish yellow; just before this streak a series of seven small but very distinct and well-separated lunulate white spots, of which the two next anal angle internally edge two small blue spots; tails rather narrow but not very acuminate, of moderate and about equal length. U N D E R S I D E . - Very glossy ; before middle, pale olivaceous-ochreous, ivith an irregular transverse blue-black white-edged streak; beyond middle, pale brownish-ochreous, traversed by a sinuated fascia whitish in fore wing, ferruginous-red in hind iving: a median blue-black line quite across both wings, bounded externally by a white stripe. Fore wing : three blue-black white-edged spots in discoidal cell, one transversely elongate, close to base, the others subbasal, round, one above the other; transverse streak white-edged internally, interrupted on 1st median nervule; median transverse line almost straight, slightly interrupted on 2nd median nervule; discal fascia strongly sinuated superiorly, thinly fuscous-edged internally, traversed by a very faint indication of a series of pale rufous spots corresponding to the upperside series-the lowest spot being enlarged, geminate, and fuscous; apex whitish. Hind wing : in discoidal cell a subbasal blue-black, externally white-edged line; continuation of transverse streak of fore wing interrupted on subcostal nervure, and extending to just below median nervure ; median transverse , line continuous from costal to inner marginal edge ; red discal fascia irregular, continuously black-edged internally, but only imperfectly so externally ; white spots of hind-marginal series all larger than those on upperside and subocellate with blue and black ; streak along hind-margin not bluish-scaled, ferruginous-red as far as 1st median nervule. This very distinct species combines to some extent the colouring and pattern of the very much larger C. violetta, H . G. Smith, with those characteristic of the ephyra group of the genus, especially as regards the underside, but it is on the whole much nearer to the latter. Unfortunately the female remains unknown. The only example was taken in the Mineni Valley, on 7th March ; it was drinking at the water's edge, and the brightly-marked underside attracted M r . Selous's notice, notwithstanding its small size as compared with its congeners. I dedicate this Charaxes to M r . F. C. Selous, a naturalist and geographical explorer distinguished no less for his high personal qualities than for his services in opening up tropical South Africa. Family ERYCINIDJE. Subfamily LiBYTHEiNiE. Genus LIBYTHEA, Fabr. 73. LIBYTHEA LAIUS, Trim. Libythea laius, Trim. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1879, p. 337; S.-Afr. Butt. ii. p. 5. n. 118, pi. vii. fig. 3 Four specimens-a male from Christmas Pass, two males from |