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Show 44 MR. R. TRIMEN ON BUTTERFLIES FROM [Jan. 16, area very broadly fuscous, as in female bohemani; two indistinct subapical whitish spots placed obliquely close to costa; beneath these, in one specimen, faint traces of three other spots, the whole indicating an elbowed series of five as in female phceus. Hind iving : blue forms a large discal space, brighter than the dull basal part which fills discoidal cell, extending from 2nd subcostal nervule to below 1st median; a rather wide costal, apical, and hind-marginal fuscous border; the usual continuous hind-marginal series of dull-red lunules as far as 3rd median nervule followed by bronzy-green lunules thence to anal angle, preceded by a sub-marginal series of thin, rather indistinct, whitish violet-tinged lunules, quite as in female ethalion, Boisd., and female phceus; inner-marginal border brownish-grey; tails as in the congeners mentioned. UNDERSIDE.-General colouring and pattern very close to those shown by ethalion and phseus, but decidedly darker and more ferruginous in tint, without the strong silvery gloss, and possessing in its fore wing the same conspicuous oblique white band as on the upperside. It is not without hesitation that I propose a new species-name for the three females of Charaxes here described, because their underside, not only in marking but also in its ferruginous tint, bears so close a resemblance to that of the males of C. ephyra above noticed, that, wrere not the female of this species known, I should assign these Manica females to it. The males in question seem quite inseparable from C. ephyra, while the females under notice have the upperside totally different from that of the recognized female of C. ephyra, and so closely resembling that of the much larger female of C. bohemani, that they might well pass for dwarf specimens of the latter species. Only further material collected in Manica can determine whether the male of this aberrant female resembles it in the same way as in the case of the allied C. phceus, or whether we have here a dimorphic female of C. ephyra. One example was taken in the Mineni Valley on 29th March, " on the same individual tree on which so many C. bohemani were captured," and the two others on a thorn-tree at Lusika Eiver on 1st April. 70. CHARAXES BOHEMANI, Feld. 3. Charaxes bohemani, Feld. Wien. ent. Monatschr. iii. p. 321, t. 6. fig. 3 (1859); Butl. Lep. Exot. p. 28, pi. x. fig. 3 [ $ ] (1869). Of this very fine Charaxes twenty-eight specimens were taken in Mineni Valley from the 11th to the 18th March, and eight at Lusika Eiver from the 1st to the 13th April. Of the entire thirty-six, nineteen are males and seventeen females ; eleven are absolutely fresh perfect examples, twelve in fair condition, and thirteen more or less worn and broken. In expanse of wings the male varies from 3 in. 3 lin. to 3 in. 8 lin., and the female from 3 in. 9 lin. to 4 in. The tails of the hind wings are considerably longer and less acuminate in the female than in the male. There is but little variation as regards the upperside in either sex, except that the blue has in some |