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Show 1894.] FROM BRITISH EAST AFRICA. 577 lal Mavari, Laitsipia; Alng'aria; Guaso Laschau; Thagana, woods beside Ukikuya ; Thegu ; Kavaluki Valley, Ukamba. 100. TERACOLUS HERO. Teracolus hero, Butler, P. Z. S. 1876, p. 150. n. 81, pi. vi. fig. 12. c? 2 > no exact locality recorded; probably Sabaki Valley. 101. TERACOLUS ANTEVIPPE. Anthocharis antevippe, Boisduval, Sp. Gen. Le'p. i. p. 572. n. 18, pi. 18. fig. 3 (1836). 3 2 ) Guaso Narok. In T. zera, helle, subvenosus, and hero the veins are more or blackened on the under surface, but in T. antevippe they are uniform with the white ground-colour; the black veins when present do not result from abrasion, but are clothed with black scales. Of course it is possible that this character may prove to be unimportant, but that remains to be seen. 102. TERACOLUS OMPHALE. Pieris omphale, Godart, Enc. Meth. ix. p. 122. n. 12 (1819). 3 2 > n o exact locality recorded; probably Sabaki Valley. 103. TERACOLUS EXOLE. 3. Anthocharis exole (part), Reiche, Ferr. Gal. Voy. Abyss., Ent. p. 460, pi. 31. fig. 4 (1849). 2 . Anthocharis achine, Lucas (uot Cramer), Lep. Exot. pi. 37. fig. 2 (1835). 2 , no exact locality recorded ; probably Sabaki Valley. This is probably an extreme form (possibly a brood) of the preceding. 104. TERACOLUS THRUPPI. Teracolus thruppi, Butler, P. Z. S. 1885, p. 771, pi. xlvii. fig. 10. Barra near Merifano; S.W. corner of Lake Baringo, Ukikuya. 105. TERACOLUS MINANS. Teracolus minans, Butler, Ent. Month. Mag. xviii. p. 229 (1882). 3 2) Njempo. A melanistic form of the female occurs in this, as in other allied species. 106. CATOPSILIA PYRENE. Colias pyrene, Swainson, Zool. 111. i. pi. 51 (1820-21). 3 2 > Ngatana; Kinani; Thika-Shika. |