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Show 1894.] COLLECTION IN THE NATURAL-HISTORY MUSEUM. 731 O*. $. millim. millim. Total length 208 193 Head 25 28 Width of head 22 28 Body 73 77 Fore limb 43 46 Hind limb 57 63 Tail 110 95 Three specimens (male, female, and half-grown) obtained at Santo Domingo de Guzman, Mexico, by Dr. A. C. Buller. SCELOPORUS HETEROLEPIS. (Plate XL VIII. fig. 4.) Head small. Head-shields smooth; one or two more or less irregular series of transversely enlarged supraoculars ; two canthal scales; occipital large, as long as broad or broader than long; parietals small, sometimes indistinct; anterior border of ear Avith a denticulation formed by three or four pointed scales. Dorsal scales very unequal in size, irregular, some nearly smooth, others strongly keeled; a pair of vertebral and a latero-dorsal series of large strongly keeled scales form sorts of crests along the body; ventral scales smooth, mostly bicuspid. The adpressed hind limb reaches the shoulder or the ear; tibia as long as the shielded part of the head ; the distance between the base of tbe fifth toe and the extremity of the fourth exceeds the distance betAveen the end of the snout and the posterior border of the ear. 14 to 19 femoral pores on each side. Caudal scales as large as largest dorsals, strongly keeled, spinose. Male Avith strongly enlarged postanal scales. Coloration very much as in S. microlepis. Greyish or pale broAvn above, Avith indistinct darker and lighter blotches and symmetrical blackish markings in the form of transverse or angular lines, the first of Avhich crosses the frontal and supraocular regions ; male with a black bar (sometimes interrupted) across the throat aud with a large pale blue blotch on each side of the belly, broadly edged with blackish blue on the median ventral line. o*. ?. millim. millim. Total length 135 125 Head 16 14 Width of head 14 12 Body 44 46 Fore limb 29 26 Hind limb 39 37 Tail 75 65 Several specimens were collected by Dr. A. C. Buller at various localities in the State of Jalisco (La Cumbre de los Arrastrados, Beal Alto, Biocho La Berberia, Sierra de Bolahos), at altitudes varying between 7800 and 8500 feet. |