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Show 1894.] COLEOPTERA OF THE GENUS ASPH.ERA. 631 The coloration of this species resembles many species of (Edionychis and also some of the present genus, especially A. 4-maculata, Clark, and A. oblecta, Baly, but the shape of the thorax and other details must be taken into account to separate it; the thorax in A. clarki is proportionately narrow and the flattened portions of the sides are not well separated from the rest of the surface; the head is rather darker in colour and narrowed between the eyes ; the first band of the elytra is slightly widened at the suture and extends to about one third of their length, the posterior band is quite straight and of the same width as the basal one. The long metatarsus of the posterior legs and the but moderately swollen claw will separate the species from any true (Edionychis. ASPHJERA PLUMBEA, n. sp. Flavous, the head fulvous, the antennae black; thorax impunctate, narrowly margined ; elytra scarcely perceptibly punctured, metallic bluish black. Length 4 lines. Head fulvous at the vertex, the latter with a few fine punctures near the eyes, frontal tubercles broadly oblique, clypeus flavous ; antenna? rather long, black, the basal joint flavous below, the second joint very short, the third and fourth joints equal; thorax about twice as broad as long, the sides moderately rounded, very narrowly margined, anterior margin deeply concave, anterior angles thickened, not produced, the surface impunctate, flavous; scutellum black; elytra almost impunctate, of a leaden-blue colour, very shining; underside and femora flavous, the tibiae and tarsi black, the claw-joint but moderately swollen. Hab. Venezuela. Closely allied to A. xanthocephala, Har., but larger, without the black markings of the head and breast, and of a darker bluish colour. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXXVIII. Fig. 1. (Edionychis pardalis, p. 627. 2. sexsiynatus, p. 628. 3. nigroscutata, p. 610. 4. princeps, p. 622. 5. fasciaticollis, p. 624. 6. fuscoanntdata, p. 625. 7. auadripustulata, p. 612. 8. brunneofasciata, p. 624. 9. apicata, p. 623. 10. vagintinotata, p. 627. 11. siamensis, p. 629. 12. africana, p. 628. |