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Show 150 DR. O. F. VON MOELLENDORFF ON [Feb. 20, Fam. HELICIDJE. 11. CHLORITIS PLATYTROPIS, sp. nov. (Plate XVI. fig. 10.) T. sat aperte umbilicata, convexo-depressa, tenuis, transverse striatula, punctis impressis in seriebus regularibus dispositis sculpta, pilis brevissimis valde deciduis obsita, opaca, pallide corneo-brunnea; spira parum elevata, apice piano. Anfr. 4|, fere plani, sutura impressa disjuncti ; ultimus ad peripheriam carina bene exserta, obtusa, lata cinctus, basi convexus, medio gibbus, circa umbilicum infundibuliformem pervium compressus, sub-cristatus, ad aperturam breviter deflexus. Apertura fere dia-gonalis, irregulariter cordiformis;peristoma sat expansum, roseo-labiatum, basi reflexiusculum, marginibus valde conniventibus, callo tenui junctis, columellari cum bascdi angulum obtusum formante. Diam. maj. 20, alt. 11-5 millim. Hah. prope vicum Chaya, in littore peninsula? nialaccanae insulis Samui opposito. Suhsp. nov. SAMUIANA.-Minor, tenuior, spira paullo magis convexa, peristomate minus expanso, vix labiato. Diam. 16-5, alt. 9 millim. Hob. in insulis Samui. This fine form belongs to the group of keeled Chlorites, for which de Morgan has created the unnecessary subgenus Philidora (cf. P. Z. S. 1891, p. 336), and is closely allied to C. gabata, Gld., of Mergui and Tenasserim. The type was found by Mr. Eoebelen near Chaya, a village on the Malay Peninsula just opposite the Samui group within Siamese territory, the smaller variety on our islands. 12. PUPISOMA ORCELLA, Stol. Pupisoma orcella, Stol. J. A. S. B. xlii. 1873, p. 33, t. ii. fig-2. The Samui examples differ from the Penang type merely in their somewhat darker colour and slightly more elevated spire. That Pupisoma has nothing to do with Pupa, but belongs to the parentage of Acanthinula and Zoogenetcs (H. harpa, Say), I have tried to prove elsewhere (Jahresber. Senckenb. nat. Ges. 1890, p. 223). Fam. BULIMIDJE. 13. AMPHIDROMUS MONILIPERUS, Gld. Only one dead specimen was found, which seems to agree with the above-named species described from Tavoy. Near Chaya Mr. Eoebelen collected a fine variety of A. anna-miticus, Cr. et Fisch., with rose-coloured apex which I name var. roseotincta. |