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Show 224 ON THE HEMIPTERA-HETEROPTERA OP GRENADA. [Mar. 6, estate and at Woburn, in March, April, and August, in spring-water. These insects vary in the width and proportion of the body, as well as in the extent of black on the tips of the wing-coverts, just as we find to be the case in our smaller species of Notonecta. This we know to be the case from frequent observation of the various forms taken in sexual connection. PLEA, Leach. P L E A STRIOLA, Fieber. Plea striola, Fieber, Entom. Monogr. p. 18, pi. 2. figs. 1-3. Several specimens of this small insect were found at Woburn, August 30, on a sluggish stream, in a flat open country near sea-level. This species is sometimes common in ponds of stagnant water in most parts of the United States ; it inhabits also Mexico, Cuba, Central America, and California. CORISID^E. CORISA, Geoff. 1. CORISA CUB^E, Guerin. Corisa cubce, Guerin, Sagra's Hist. Cuba, Ins. p. 422. Two specimens, both males, were secured at Woburn, August 30, in a sluggish stream in the open flat country near sea-level. This species is also now known from Florida, Texas, and Mexico, besides the island of Cuba. 2. CORISA RETICULATA, Guerin. Corisa reticulata, Guerin, Sagra's Hist. Cuba, Ins. p. 423. More than a dozen specimens, including both sexes, were found at St. George's and on the Mount Gay estate, in August and September, in pools of fresh water, and also in brackish water. A specimen from the Caliveny estate was found near the sea, in a pool of fresh water. SIGARA, Fabr. SIGARA SOCIALIS, B.-White. Sigara socicdis, B.-White, Trans. Ent. Soc. London, 1879, p. 274. Nearly two dozen specimens of this species, including some varieties in size and colour, were collected on most parts of the island. At Balthazar it was found June 11, flying at sunset after a heavy rain. On the Mount Gay and Telescope estates it was taken in August from spring-water; but at Woburn it was more common, August 30, in a sluggish stream iu the open country _ near sea-level. This species occurs also in Mexico and California, but it has not yet been taken in the eastern part of the United States. |