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Show 190 PROP. P. R. UHLER ON THE [Mar. 6, in having a white ring at the base of the apical joint of the antennae, and in lacking the white cross on the inner margin of the corium and clavus. There are two principal patterns of marking in this insect: one in which the upper surface is dusky black, with the exception of the head, the anterior two-thirds of the pronotum, and the base of scutellum, which are red ; in the other the insect is red above, excepting the base of the pronotum and the membrane, which are black. In the female the underside is red with a black edge to the basal margin of the ventral segments and pleural sutures. In the male most of the venter is white, as are also the collum and posterior border of the pleural pieces. The rostrum of the male usually reaches to the middle of the second ventral segment, but in the female it extends only to the basal segment. Varieties occur which connect tbe two extremes of colour. The legs vary in the amount of red upon the femora and tibiae. Many of the specimens have these members piceous blackish. Length to tip of abdomen 3 8-10, $ 10-12 m m . ; width of pronotum 2f-4 m m. This species is also closely related to D. ruficollis, Linn., but it is a much larger insect, with a longer head, exactly as in D. suturellus, H.-Schf., and with a proportionally longer rostrum in both sexes. In D. ruficollis all the specimens I have examined were marked wdth a more or less distinct black dot behind the middle of the corium. Many specimens were collected on both sides of the island. At Balthazar they were found March 30, in considerable numbers upon decaying oranges in shady places. On the Mount Gay estate (leeward) they were taken, April 5 and 25, in the cocoa orchards, where they were brushed from the undergrowth. In August and September they were found on the Mount Gay estate and St. George's. The white colour of the base of the fourth joint of the antennae is sometimes indistinct, but not quite absent. CAPSIDJE. LOPUS, Hahn. LOPUS MILITARIS, sp. nov. Long oval, pubescent, bright yellow beneath, the markings rufo-fulvous above. Head short, with a dusky oval loop on. the cranium, open at base, and closed at the base of the tylus; the tylus stout, black, the cheeks and throat bright yellow; rostrum yellow, fuscous from the middle to the tip, reaching behind the middle coxae, the basal joint thickened at tip, reaching upon the sternum ; antennae black, long, tapering, the second joint rod-shaped, about as long as the more slender third and fourth joints united ; eyes black, very prominent. Pronotum dark brown, dull, pubescent, with the collum, and a broad reddish stripe running |