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Show 1894.] HEMIPTERA-HETEROPTERA OF GRENADA. 209 by a knobby prominence. Corium provided with an embolium, and having a triangular open space behind the apex of the scutellum ; the clavus sublinear. Abdomen depressed, closely pubescent. APHELONOTUS SIMPLUS, sp. nov. Obscure pale fusco-fulvous, with the head piceous and the eyes black. Antennae sometimes infuscated beyond the second joint. Pronotum bilobate in the middle, not evidently punctate, polished, paler on the posterior border. Scutellum duU fulvo-piceous, obsoletely punctate at base. Legs paler than the upper surface, with the spines dark piceous. Corium coarsely punctate in rows, tbe colour dull piceous on the disk, with the border and embolium paler. Abdomen pale fulvous, closely sericeous pubescent; the genital segment of the male tumid. Length to tip of venter 3| mm.; width of pronotum 1 mm. Seven specimens were taken on the Mount Gay estate on August 28, at an elevation of 200 feet above the sea. They were found under leaves in a thicket upon a dry hillside. BEDUYIIDJE. PRIONIDUS, Uhler. PRIONIDUS CARINATUS (Forst.). Cimex carinatus, Forst. Nov. Spec. Ins. p. 72. This is the most beautiful variety of this remarkable species. Specimens were found on the Lake Antoine estate as early as March 24, on herbage, in littoral thickets; and late in August at St. George's and on the Mount Gay estate, at both of which places they were beaten from herbage. The form P. cristatus, Linn., which is rapidly being connected with the above by the discovery of intermediate varieties, is found in the United States late in summer and in the autumn until the chilling frosts become settled. SIRTHENEA, Spinola. SlRTHENEA STRIA (Fabr.). Reduvius stria, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. p. 201. Three specimens were taken at Balthazar, in April, where they were found in cocoa orchards, or came to the light at night. EASAHUS, Am. et S. 1. EASAHUS HAMATUS (Fabr.). Reduvius hamatus, Fabr. Spec. Ins. ii. p. 381. Five specimens were taken at Balthazar, in April, where they came to the light at night. |