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Show 1894.] MR. O. THOMAS ON MAMMALS FROM OMAN. 455 H. jemlaicus. H.jaycdcari. H. hylocrius. Greatest length, occiput to gnathion 271 218 (c.) 285 Greatest breadth 128 109 133 Nasals, length 94 60 116 Tip of muzzle to orbit 180 133 (c) 184 Greatest diameter of orbit .. 39 38 47 Interorbital breadth 91 78 93 Breadth of forehead below horns 96 61 109 Length of longest horn round curve 344 295 367 Antero-posterior diameter of horn at base 84 57 78 Transverse diameter of horn at base 60 30 53 Circumference 230 136 210 Dr. Jayakar has favoured me with the following notes on this interesting animal:- " I should think, from the description given to me, that these Goats were in all probability shot at a great height, between 1500 and 2000 feet. I have no personal knowledge of the habits of the animal, but am informed by the Arabs that it does not go in large herds, but in groups of a few. As there appears to be a good deal of vegetation above a certain height, it seems that they rarely, if ever, come down into the valley below. I believe the same species to be found throughout the whole of the hilly part of Oman; it occurs in Jalan Sharkeeveh and the Jebel Akhdar range, and in all its offshoots."-A. S. G. J. 15. PROCAYIA SYRIACA JAYAKARI, Thos. Procavia syriaca jayakari, Thos. P. Z. S. 1892, p. 63. a, b. Ad. al. <$ ? . Dofar, S.W. of Muscat. 24/2/92 & 8/11/91. c. Ad. sk. $ . Dofar, S.W. of Muscat. 1891. Type of subspecies. d. Tg. al. Dofar, S.W. of Muscat. 1891. The female specimen has, as might be expected, 1-2 = 6 mammas. The considerable extension of the known range of the genus effected by Dr. Jayakar's discovery of this new form of Dassy has been already noted. 16. TURSIOPS TURSIO, Fabr. a. Skin and imperfect skeleton. Muscat. 1888. b. Skeleton. Muscat. 1888. 17. GRAMPUS, sp. a, b. 2 young skins, with skeletons. Muscat. 1891. Too young for certain determination. 30* |