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Show 154 DR. o. F. V O N MOELLENDORFF O N [Feb. 20, the peristome, the inner yellow or orange lip contrasting with white outer one, the widening of the peristome to the right, &c, must be analogous according to Pfeiffer's description. 26. LAGOCHEILUS LIRATULUS, sp. nov. (Plate XVI. figs. 25, 26.) T. anguste umbilicata, turbinata, sat tenuis, nitidula, transverse subtiliter striatula, lineis spiralibus elevatis sat confertis ad umbilicum cincta, corneo-fiava, obsolete strigata. Anfr. conveai; ultimus antice paullum descendens. Apertura sat obliqua, fere circularis ; peristoma subduplex, tenue, breviter haud reflexum, ad insertionem breviter excisum. Diam. maj. 5, min. 4-25, cdt. 5 millim. Differs from L. townsendianus, Crosse, of Perak, in the smaller size, the higher and more pointed spire, the more convex whorls, the narrower umbilicus, the want of angulation in the last whorl, and the equally distant, uniform spiral lines. Fam. DIPLOMMATINIDJE. 27. ALYC^EUS ROEBELENI, sp. nov. (Plate XVI. figs. 20, 21.) T. moclice umbilicata, subdepresse turbinata, tenuis, pellucida, costulo-striata, lineis spiralibus microscopicis decussata, fiava ; spira moclice elevata, lateribus subconcavis, apice glabrato. Anfractus 5, perconvexi, ad suturam profunde im-pressam subplanati; ultimus postice spiram altitudine multo superans, valde inflatus, gibber, 4 millim. pone aperturam constrictus, turn denuo dilatatus, ad aperturam sat deflexus. Apertura diagonalis, subcircularis; peristoma continuum, duplicatum, sat expansum, haud reflexum, flavo-labiatum. Operculum corneum, valde concavum, anfr. 6. Tubulus suturalis brevis, appressus. Diam. maj. 9-5, cdt. 7 millim. Var. minor: spira paullo magis elevata. Diam. 8*5, cdt. 7 millim. Although nearly related to A. perakensis, Crosse, this form must, I think, be separated specifically. It is larger, much less elevated, more widely umbilicated, the last whorl comparatively higher, about four-sevenths of the total altitude, and much more tumid, more deflected at the end, and therefore the plane of the aperture much more oblique, the constriction deeper, the peristome hardly double, not so thick, and yellow instead of white. Besides there is half a whorl less, as I count distinctly 5| in A. perakensis. Unless transitory forms exist in the, as yet, little-explored Malay Peninsula, I think these differences sufficient to consider the Samui race a distinct species. 28. ALYCiEus CANALICULARS, sp. nov. (Plate XVI. figs. 22,23.) T. sat aperte umbilicata, depressa, solidula, confertim costulata, pcdlide cornea ; spiira parum elevata, convexo-conoidea. 3|, convexi ; ultimus a medio inflatulus, subgibber, pcne apcrtu- |