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Show 66 MR. R. TRIMEN ON BUTTERFLIES FROM [Jan. 16, ample, where the fore wings exhibit it close to hind margin, and the hind wings on costal nervure and basal part of subcostal nervules. 124. TERACOLUS ANAX (H. G. Smith). 3 2 • Callosune anax, H. G. Smith, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, iii. p. 125 (1889); and Ehop. Exot. i. Ccdlosune, i. p. 2, pi. i. figs. 5,6 (3), 7,8 (?)(1889). 3 . Anthopsyche ione, Wallengr. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Handl. 1 8 5 7- Lep. Ehop. Caffr. p. 15. 3 2 Anthocharis rec/ina, Trim., var. 3 and var. $ , Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. (3) i. p. 521 (1863). 3 2- Teracolus regina, var. A, Trim. S.-Afr. Butt. hi. p. 112 (1889). 3 2 • Teracolus eliza, E. M . Sharpe, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. v. p. 441 (1890). There are five specimens (all males) of this splendid Teracolus, captured in Mineni Valley from 9th to 27th March. These differ slightly from Mr. H . G. Smith's figure, above cited, of a Mombasa male, having on the underside less irroration basally, a narrower inner black border to the violet apical patch in the fore wings, and smaller nervular hind-marginal black spots in the hind wings ; the last-named markings are also much reduced on the underside of the bind wings. The black spots of the discal series on the underside of the hind wings vary a good deal in size and distinctness, one example having them just as in M r. Smith's fig. 6, two others having all but the first and last larger, another wanting the second spot, and the last wanting both second and third spots ; the groundcolour is also variable, two examples presenting it creamy instead of pure white. As usual in the genus Teracolus, it is impossible to define exact limits between T. anax and T. regina. The Manica males here noticed link T. anax to the var. A of regina from Damaraland, and so do two others taken by Mr. A. W . Eriksson, in 1885, in the belt of country between Transvaal and Matabeleland; while, as I have noted (op. cit. p. 113), another male from the latter tract is intermediate between the var. A and typical T. regina}. Of two females taken by Mr. Selous in 1882 on the Upper Limpopo, Transvaal boundary, one is typical T. regina, but the other is referable to var. A ; the latter is on the upperside very close to Mr. Smith's figure (7) of female T. anax, but has both the basal irroration of the fore wings and the hind-marginal large black spots considerably broader -the latter, indeed, are so enlarged as to meet and form a continuous border, while on the underside the corresponding spots are very much smaller than in the figure (8) of T. anax female2. Looking to 1 This male closely agrees with the male of T. eliza, E. M. Sharpe, from near Mombasa, as figured by Waterhouse (' Aid,' pi. 189,1890). 2 This female, except for its stronger basal irroration, agrees well with the female of T. eliza, E. M . Sharpe, as shown on the plate of ' Aid ' above cited fig. 6. |