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Show 620 MR. MARTIN JACOBY ON N E W [Nov. 6, face impunctate, flavous ; scutellum flavous ; elytra extremely finely punctured, flavous or obscure fulvous, with an elongate bifurcate black mark, placed on the shoulder and near the suture, open at its lower end, and a transverse narrow and slightly curved band near the apex not extending to either margin ; underside and legs pale fulvous. Hab. Amazons. The strongly thickened palpi, the narrow space between the eyes, long antennae, the comparatively narrow thorax, and the shape of the elytral markings well distinguish this species ; the spot at the base of the elytra consists of two short longitudinal stripes, joined at the base, one of which is placed on the shoulder, the other near the suture, the first of these is slightly longer than the sub-sutural one, but both are rather thick. GSBIONYCHIS CHAPUISI, n. sp. Testaceous, antennae and legs fulvous, vertex of the head black ; thorax impunctate ; elytra scarcely perceptibly punctured, a transverse band at the base and another one below the middle, connected with a triangular spot at the apex, bluish black. Length 2f-3 lines. Head impunctate, blackish at the vertex, the clypeus and labrum flavous ; antennae extending to the middle of the elytra, fulvous, the third joint slightly shorter than the fourth; thorax with strongly rounded sides, the anterior and posterior margins straight, the lateral margins narrowly thickened, the anterior angles not dentiform and but little produced, the surface impunctate; scutellum piceous ; elytra nearly impunctate, slightly depressed below the base near the suture, with a narrow flattened margin, the transverse bands broad, only divided by a narrow band of the groundcolour, and not extending to the sides but to the suture, the anterior margin of the posterior band obliquely cut near the suture, the posterior margin connected at the suture with a triangular-shaped spot which occupies the apical angle ; legs rather darker than the underside, the femora -with an obscure piceous spot at the apex. Hab. Amazons. From most of the transversely banded species (E. chapuisi may be known by the extra triangular-shaped spot at the apex of the elytra, wdiich is connected by a narrow sutural stripe with the posterior band. (E. labiata, Schauf., seems to be a closely allied species, but is said to have a distinctly punctured head and elytra, which is not the case here, both in (E. chapuisi being nearly entirely impunctate ; the elytral bands in (E. labiata are further described as being interrupted at the suture, in the present insect they extend entirely across the latter place. Three specimens contained in m y collection show no differences in these respects, but in a fourth the pale narrow space which divides the elytral bands does not quite extend to the suture. Whether another specimen from Bolivia which I possess, and which has the elytral bands more distantly apart, represents the same species, it would |