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Show 1894.] HEMIPTERA-HETEROPTERA OF GRENADA. 219 2. MlCROYELIA ROBUSTA, sp. nOV. Shorter and comparatively more robust than M. modesta. Colours about the same, except that there is an absence of pale colour from the venter and no yellow border on the connexivum. The head is immersed nearly up to the eyes in the pronotum; the eyes are bordered internally with prostrate white pubescence; the front of the pronotum is shorter and less contracted, densely covered with white pubescence, which is laid upon a faintly yellow band; the pleural pieces are not broadly bordered with testaceous, and the posterior femora are only a little longer than the middle ones ; the last joint of antennae more than one third longer than the third joint. The hemelytra are smoke-brown, often pale, with two white diagonal streaks at base, pale spaces in the areoles, and a white pyriform spot in the apical areole; tbe costal area is almost linear, deflexed, pale, and marked with a row of remote brown dots. Length to tip of venter 2 mm.; width of pronotum § m m. A few specimens were collected at Woburn and Beaulieu, August 25, at an altitude of 700 feet above the sea, on the surface of a stagnant pond: another specimen was taken on the Mount Gay estate, in September. 3. MlCROYELIA MARGINATA, Uhler. Microvelia marginata, Uhler, P. Z. S. 1893, p. 719. Several specimens were secured on the Grand Etang, August 9, at an elevation of 1900 feet above the sea, on pools of water in a swampy forest. This beautiful little species has a very extended distribution, as it is now known to occur in Trinidad, St. Vincent, Central America, Mexico, Cuba, and in the United States, from Florida to northern N e w Jersey. In Maryland it lives on the quiet pools beside streams of water near the cities of Baltimore and Washington. 4. MICROVELIA LONGIPES, sp. nov. Long and narrow, dark brown or fuscous, paler beneath, covered wdth plumbeous. Head long, dark brown, sericeous pubescent, with the orbits of the eyes and the slender line on the vertex, the throat and cheeks testaceous; middle of vertex oblong-ovate, prominently elevated; rostrum pale testaceous, piceous towards the tip, reaching to the middle coxae; antennae slender, pale rufo-piceous, a little darker at ends of the joints, the base of first and second joints testaceous, second joint shortest, third longest, about one and a half times as long as the second, the fourth a little shorter than the third. Pronotum a httle longer than wide, steeply sloping anteriorly, velvety, powdered with pale grey, with a slender whitish-yellow collum interrupted in the middle by the slender black carina which runs back towards the base; the humeri triangular, a httle recurved at the margin; the posterior division triangular, rounded at tip, feebly recurved, bordered with yellow |