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Show 1894.] HEMIPTERA-HETEROPTERA OF GRENADA. 213 found on the Mirabeau estate, at Woburn and at St. George's, on the surface of streams of water, as also on springs of water. In the unwinged form the scutellum is not distinctly differentiated, but in the winged one it is covered by the valvular end of the pronotum. This species has an extensive distribution from south to north. It occurs at Bio and at other places near the coast of Brazil, but the most northern limit at present known for it is the island of St. Vincent. No specimens have yet been obtained in Cuba, and I did not discover it in the island of San Domingo, where my work was particularly directed to obtaining tbe insects from the springs and streams of fresh water, both of the highlands and the coast. The close collecting of Prof. Poey and Dr. Gundlach, throughout a period of more than forty years, should have secured this insect if it existed in Cuba, but no specimens have been reported by either of those gentlemen. It varies somewhat in colour and degree of marking upon the head, pronotum, and sides. The medial carina and transverse impression are not absent, as stated by Dr. Mayr (Novara-Beise p. 178) ; but the slender carina is not always very distinct, and it is rendered much less conspicuous through simulating the colour of the surface. T R E P O B A T E S , Uhler. T R E P O B A T E S PICTUS (H.-Schf.). Halobatespictus, H.-Schf. Wanz. Ins. viii. p. Ill, t. cclxxxvi. figs. 882, 883. Stephania picta, B.-White, Challenger Bep., Zool. vii. pt. 19, p. 79. Several varieties of this species, precisely like those which are common in Maryland and farther south, were secured at St. George's, August 28-31, on the surface of brackish water. A single specimen was found at Woburn, August 30, on a sluggish stream in the open flat country near sea-level. On the Telescope estate a pair were taken while in sexual connection, August 12, on a brackish pool next the sea-shore. The male of this pair is winged and the female unwinged. In the eastern United States this species frequents the bayed out parts of streams and the mill-ponds, and is distributed inland to near the head-waters of creeks which rise in the western portion of the Piedmont country, as in Frederick county, Maryland, and Spottsylvania, Virginia. As the name of this genus is preoccupied, and the genus has not yet been fully described, for lack of winged specimens, it becomes necessary to give the following characters, which are in augmentation oE those given by Dr. Buchanan-White:-Anterior tarsi normally three-jointed (exceptionally two-jointed) ; the hemelytra curved and tapering at base, gradually becoming wider towards the tip, at which point it is a little triangular and rounded; the corium subtriangular and about one half as long as the membrane, with three stout longitudinal veins, of which the costal is more PROC ZOOL. Soc-1894, No. XV. 15 |