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Show 1894.] 00LE0PTERA OF THE GENUS CBPIONYOHIS. 611 Of broadly robust shape, the head black, with a narrow flavous margin near the eyes, and a few fine punctures ; clypeus and labrum black; antennae not extending to the middle of the elytra, black, the third joint shorter than the fourth ; thorax three times broader than long, the anterior margin deeply concave, the posterior one slightly rounded, sides strongly rounded in front, nearly straight at the base, the anterior angles thickened and produced into a short tooth pointing outward, the surface impunctate, flavous, the middle with a short irregular-shaped black spot; scutellum black ; elytra strongly convex, closely and rather strongly punctured, the interstices somewhat wTrinkled, testaceous, the suture narrowly black ; underside and legs black. Hab. Brazil, Sta. Catharina. From the species having uniform pale elytra, the present one may be known by the black suture, the spot on the thorax, aud the black head. (EPIONYCHIS PISCICOLLIS (Clk. Catal.). Black, the margins round the eyes, the basal joints of the antennae, and the margins of the thorax testaceous; elytra very finely punctured, testaceous or flavous, the suture, twro elongate spots at the base, a transverse spot below the middle and another near the apex black; the base of the anterior femora and tibiae flavous. Var. Thorax testaceous, with a black spot on the posterior margin. Length 2\ lines. Head impunctate, piceous or black, the margins round the eyes, the clypeus, and the palpi testaceous; frontal tubercles transverse, strongly raised; antennae black, the lower two or three joints testaceous, third and fourth joints elongate, equal; thorax three times broader than long, short and nearly parallel, the sides rounded in front, straight at the base, the anterior angles not produced outward, the surface impunctate, testaceous, with a transverse black band across the disc, the anterior margin of which is indented at the middle, the sides of this band extend as far as the flattened portion of the thorax; scutellum black ; elytra extremely finely punctured (the punctures in some specimens scarcely perceptible), testaceous, the suture, two spots at the base (sometimes confluent), a subquadrate larger spot below the middle, and another smaller one near the apex black, none of these spots extend quite to the sutural or lateral margin; elytral epipleurae testaceous; underside and legs black, the greater part of the base of the four anterior femora and their tibiae flavous. Hab. Brazil, Therezopolis. Allied to 0. spilota, Baly, but differing in the colour of the thorax and the nearly impunctate elytra. (EPIONYCHIS EVANIPA (Chevr. in litt.). Black the lower portion of the face and the thprax fulvous, the 41* |