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Show 1894.] ANATOMY OF PALAMEDEA CORNUTA. 541 with upper anterior border of biventer maxillae, spreads out on to the skin of sides and ventral surface of throat. Platysma myoides.-This is a narrow fleshy muscle arising from the ramus of the mandible just at the angle of the jaw. It spreads out fauwise both anteriorly and posteriorly and is inserted on to the skin between the jaws, meeting the last-mentioned muscle behind. Biventer maxilla}.-It arises from a well-marked area on the squamosal above and behind the ear, contiguous above and behind with the complexus. It is inserted on to the inner side of the angle of the lower jaw. Digastric or depressor mandibular.-This muscle is divided into an outer and inner part. Temporal.-This muscle is divided into three external portions, which lie so close together as to form a continuous mass separated only by fibrous septa. An internal portion is quite distinct. Pterygoid.-This muscle consists of three parts. Part I., usually present in birds, is absent. Parts II. and III. are well-marked. Part IV. is not separable. The Hyoid Group. Mylohyoid anterior.-This muscle is divided into two parts. The posterior is larger and quite free of the hyoid ; the fibres run right across the lowyer jaw, there being no distinct raphae. They meet the fibres of the platysma myoides behind. The anterior part is much thinner and has a distinct raphe. It is attached to the front end of the hyoid. Mylohyoid posterior.-It springs tendinously from the lower posterior margin of tbe quadrate and from the posterior outer surface of the angle of the jaw; it at once divides in two. The posterior smaller portion has been already described as platysma myoides. The anterior part is a broad mass of muscle (stylohyoid), which runs to be inserted along the cornu of the hyoid, reaching as far as just under the mylohyoid anterior and meeting its fellow of the other side. Geniohyoid.-This muscle springs from the inner side of the jaw just behind the anterior mylohyoid; it passes dorsally to posterior mylohyoid. It is wrapped rouud the thyrohyoid bone to tbe very end. The texture of the muscle is somewhat coarse. The genioglossus is entirely absent. Ceratoglossus1.-This muscle is divided into two parts. The first part arises from the side of the os entoglossum by a fleshy belly which meets its fellow in the middle ventral line. It is inserted by a long tendon to the tip of the tongue. The second part arises fleshy from the upper and outer side of 1 This is in accordance with Gadow's description of the muscle, but in fig. 33 of plate xxxii. of his volume in Bronn's 'Klass. u. Ordn.' he letters it cerato-hyoid. |