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Show 1894.] MANICA, SOUTH-EAST AFRICA. 25 Exp. cd. (S ) 1 in. 8-11 lin.; (?) 1 in. 9 lin. to 2 in. d1. Pcde dull ochre-yellowish ivith a brownish tinge, semi-transparent, with numerous small black spots. Fore icing: a very fine linear fuscous edging along costa and a slightly wider one along hind margin, the apex between 2nd subcostal and 1st median nervules being rather widely tipped with fuscous; across discoidal cell, towards extremity, an elongate spot, sometimes surmounted by a very small rounded costal spot; a small upper terminal discocellular spot; below median nervure, before middle, a rather elongate spot; an exceedingly irregular discal series of 8 spots,-of which the upper four are contiguous, forming a curved costal bar reaching the 3rd median nervule,-the fifth separate, beyond the fourth, between 3rd and 2nd median nervules, the sixth far before fifth, between median nervure and its first nervule, the seventh rather beyond the sixth, below 1st median nervule, and the eighth (very small, minute, or sometimes wanting) before the seventh, on inner-marginal edge; a submarginal series of five small rounded spots, between upper radial nervule and submedian nervure, of which the upper three form a line at an angle with the lower two, which are equidistant from hind margin (in one example there is an additional superior spot, above upper radial nervule); base usually with some limited fuscous scaling, chiefly near inner margin. Hind wing : fuscous hind-marginal border variable in width, regularly indented on nervules along its inner edge, and enclosing seven more or less distinct spots of the ground-colour ; near base, a rounded spot in discoidal cell (sometimes obscured by some fuscous basal suffusion), followed by a curved subbasal series of five spots, of which the second is in discoidal cell, and the fourth and fifth (both smaller than the others) on inner margin ; an exceedingly irregular discal series of 8 spots, of which the first, fourth, and sixth are before the rest and the third small or minute (in one specimen wanting). U N D E R S I D E . - Very much paler than upperside, glossy, the hind wing of a dull pale-creamy tint, in parts sometimes tinged with pcde red ; markings as on upperside, but those of hind wing more sharply defined. Fore iving : markings somewhat fainter, especially apical fuscous, which is traversed and in some specimens almost replaced by three pale-creamy marks. Hind iving : two additional small spots close to base, one on costa, the other at origin of costal nervure ; a pinkish-red inner-marginal suffusion, very variable in depth of tint and in extent, sometimes tinging basal half of discoidal cell but rarely rising above cell; in most examples a slight reddish tinge over the ground-colour before the hind wings; 5, in the male a well-defined blackish cloud at the base of both wings on the upperside; and 6, in both sexes, no trace of reddish colouring at base or along inner margin of the hind wings. The abdomen in both sexes is, apart from the dorsal black on basal third, white tinged with canary-yellow, instead of pale ochreous-yellow with prolonged dorsal black (in the female reaching to the tip, and containing two rows of pale-yellowish spots), as in asema; and the inferior subterminal corneous appendage in the female has a broader, less deeply forked recurved process. |