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Show 750 APPENDIX. July 20. 1 Magellanic Goose (Bernicla magellanica). Bred in the Menagerie. 1 Black-headed Gull (Larus ridibundus). Bred in the Menagerie. 21. 1 Moustache Monkey (Cercopithecus cephus), §. Presented by W . Clayton Pickersgill. 23. 1 Vervet Monkey (Cercopithecus lalandii), 3 • Presented by J. E. Matcham, Esq. 1 Hygian Snake (Elaps hygia). Presented by J. E. Matcham, Esq. 1 Thar (Capra jemlaica), 3- Born in the Menagerie. 3 Cairo Spiny Mice (Acomys cahirinus). Born in the Menagerie. 2 Hunter's Spiny Mice (Acomys hunteri). Born in the Menagerie. 24. 1 Common Paradoxure (Paradoxurus typus). Presented bv E. Stallard, Esq. 1 Rat-tailed Opossum (Didelphys nudicaudata). Deposited. 1 Murine Opossum (Didelphys murina). Deposited. 1 Common Cassowary (Casuarius galeatus). Deposited. 2 Slowworms (Angids fragilis). Presented by Mr. T. E. Gunn. 1 Red Deer (Cervus elaphus), 3 • Born in the Menagerie. 26. 1 Suricate (Suricata tetradactyla). Presented by Miss Champ-neys. 2 Hamadryads (Ophiophagus elaps), 3 • Deposited. 1 Indian Cobra (Naia tripudians). Presented by Angus M. Kinloch, Esq. 27. 1 Pleasant Antelope ( Tragelaphus gratus), 3. Purchased. See P. Z. S. 1894, p. 595. 1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolyus), 3 • Presented by J. A. Brand, Esq. 1 Hawk-headed Parrot (Deroptyus accipitrinus). Deposited. 31. 1 Mozambique Monkey (Cercopithecus pygeryihrus), $ . Presented by Mrs. Keirnander. 1 Blotched Genet (Genetta tigrina). Presented by Miss M. Clode. 1 Condor (Sarcorhamphus yrypus), 3- Purchased. Aug. 1. 1 Smooth Snake (Coronella Icevis). Presented by John Gray, Esq. 2. 1 Grey Ichneumon (Herpestes yriseus). Presented by Miss Sullivan. 2 Triangular-Spotted Pigeons (Columba guinea). Bred in the Menagerie. 3. 1 Blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla), 3- Presented by Capt. John Richardson, H.L.I. 4. 1 Four-horned Sheep (Ovis aries, var.),^. Presented by Frank C. Strick, Esq. 1 Red-and-Blue Macaw (Ara macao). Deposited. 1 Common Viper (Vipera berus). Presented by - Anderson, Esq. 7. 1 Black Ape (Cynopithecus niger), 3 • Presented bv Ganibier Bolton, Esq., F.Z.S. 8. 1 Black-backed Jackal (Canis mesomelas). Deposited. 9. 4 Alpine Newts (Triton alpestris). Presented bv Mr. Malcolm 0. Smith. 10. 1 Slender Loris (Loris gracilis). Presented by Thomas E. Remington, Esq. 4 Guanhami Land-Crabs (Cardisoma guanhami). Presented by Percy Walter Jarvis, Esq. |