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Show Government Relations - 32 0 West rescued San Juan County residents. NA/ RG 75 Dec. 24, 1894 Day, David F., Indian Agent Telegram to Commissioner of Indian Affairs Report that round- up of renegades and Utes number 26, far short of the invasion cited by Governor West. Day requests supplies and reassures the War and Interior Departments that rumors were misleading. NA/ RG 75 Apr. 20, 1895 Browning, D. M., Commissioner Letter to Meredith H. Kidd, So. Ute Agency Instructions are given for the process of allotting land in severalty to those So. Utes who wish to participate. July 10, 1895 Teller, H. M., U. S. Senate Letter to D. M. Browning, Commissioner Objects to giving allotments to the Indians on the eastern end of the reservation. Opposes the method used by some BIA officials to encourage the Indians to take allotments. Recommends the western section for the Indians. NA/ RG75/ 29004- 33761 Dec. 28, 1895 " Neglected Southern Utes" Durango Herald Ignacio and his followers have been abandoned by the Government. Members of the Durango Board of Trade have been giving supplies to these Indians so they will not starve. Ignacio says he was promised an agency on the west end of the reservation so that they would not have to travel over 75 miles to get supplies. Government has not established the promised agency and supplies have not been received for several months. |