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Show r 194 l neighbouring I'owers of Earcpe. M, 1&9"?! ,' : "'99 VVL mull"!!! ~ ' i And as to any Notion that we ourfelves {hould pref er an . - - , S C H E M E, Viz. rantee this Freedom and Independence againfl: all foreign Invaders whatever. AM), in fact, what is all this but the natural and even the necefiltry Corollary to be deduced is chimerical indeed: Becaule it is muc h more probable, were Things to come to fuch adreadful Crifis, that the Eizglg'flz would rath er fubmit to a Franc/z Yoke, than to an flmerz'am; as being the leffer Indignity of the two. 80 that in ll'lOl‘t, if we mutt reafon in Politics accord ing to the thom'm Principles in- Ph.ilofoph-y,--the Idea of the lelIer Country gravitating tow ards the from each of the former Reafons and Obfervations? For if we neither can govern the firmmm, nor be governed by them; if we can neither unite with them, nor ought to fubdue thern;-- what remains, but to part with them on as friendly Terms as we can? And if any Man fhould think that he can reafon better from lfland would rather gravitate toward s the Con- tinent of Eizrope, than towards the Contin ent of Amerim; unlefs indeed we fhould add one EX- travagance to another, by firppofing that thefe A'nm'z'cmz Heroes are to conquer all the World. And in that Cafe 1‘ do allow, that Eng/am ! mull: become a Province to flmerz'm. But So/amm miferz‘: focz'or lmbmfle dalor z'r. DISMISSING therefore this Idea , as an idle Dream, we come now laftly to confidel‘ the above l'remii‘es, let him try. Bur as the Idea of Separation, and the- giving up the Colonies for ever will Ibock rnany weal; People, who think, that there is neither Happinefs nor Security but in an over-grown unweildy Empire, I will for their Sakes enter into a Difcufiion of the fuppofici Difadvantages attending fuch a Disjunction; and then {hall fer forth the manifold Advantages. . THE firfi and capital fappofed Advantage 15, iT/zal, zf we fipamte from the Cofom'es, tare/hall lo/é r/m'r -[ rmz'e. But why {0 ? And how does this appear 9 The Colonies, we know by Experience, the FIFTH SCHEME will trade With any People, even With their bit~ Bbz mmfl \ be a tree and independent People, over Whom we lay no Claim -, and then by offering to guar- zit/mica" Yoke to any other,---this Suppofi tien greater, muft lead us to conclu de, that this M To propofe to feparate entirely from the thvflmeflmn Colonies, by declaring them to LA A L" ‘F 1 F T H 13.19" 12‘ rrrrr'in ‘ Vince to fvroi‘r/z-zz'mrrim. For granting even, that it would be {0 weakened and enfeebied by thefe Colony-Drains, as not to be able to defe nd itfelf from Invaders, yet szfle'i‘itfl is at too grea t a Dil‘tance to invade it at l‘irfi, much leis to defend the Conqueit of it afterwards, againf't the [ I95 1 ' Mix. v.31" V"as vice}. that this Country fliould ever become a Pro- |